《1984》是一部极具预言性质的政治讽喻小说,描绘了一个令人感到窒息和恐惧的泯灭人性的极权主义社会。在这个被称为“大洋国”的极权主义社会里,“你说的每一句话,发出的每一个声响都会被监听;只要有一点光线,你的一举一动都会被监视”,人性被扼杀,自由被剥夺,思想被钳制,而历史每时每刻也在被伪造。那里的人类生存状态,永远警示着人们不要走进这黑暗的悲剧。Dr. Critchlore's School for Minions (#1)
Welcome to Dr. Critchlore's School for Minions, the premier trainer of minions for Evil Overlords everywhere. No student is prouder to be at Dr. Critchlore's than Runt Higgins, a twelve-year-old werewolf. (At least he thinks he's twelve. He was abandoned at the school as a baby, so he can't say for sure.) Runt loves everything about Dr. Critchlore's. He loves his classes—such as History of Henchmen and Introduction to Explosives. He loves his friends—such as Darthin the gargoyle and Syke the tree nymph. And he loves his foster family, who took him in when his wolf pack couldn't. But not everyone loves Dr. Critchlore's as much as Runt. After a series of disasters, each worse than the next, it's clear that someone is trying to shut the school down. It's up to Runt, who knows the place better than anybody, to figure out who's behind the attacks … and to save his home, and Dr. Critchlore himself, from total destruction.