
第2章 日记

Failure is the mother of success. If at first you don t succeed, try, try again.

An Exciting Football Match

April 8ThursdayFine

The football match between No. 12 Middle School and our school today was really an exciting one I ve ever seen.

The football match began at three o clock in the afternoon. Both sides put their hearts into the game at once. A few minutes later our school team took the ball into the corner of No. 12 Middle School s goal. The goalkeeper jumped to catch it when another of our school s players dashed forward and kicked it into the goal. “Well done!What a goal!”shouted the fans.

No. 12 Middle School began again from the center of the field and slowly came nearer to our goal. All of a sudden, the center forward of their team took a pass from his fellow played, ran about 20 metres and beat at least three defenders. Then he kicked the ball over the head of the goalkeeper, and the score was 1∶1.

During the second half, both sides played beautifully and the fans kept on cheering. Come on! There were only 3 minutes left for the match, but at that time, anything could happen.

One player of No. 12 Middle School kicked the ball across to another. It was a beautiful kick. The ball ran so fast that the goalkeeper couldn t catch it. The player got it, without waiting a second, kicked the ball into the goal! Everybody was surprised by the goal. And the “black three minutes”broke the dream of our school winning the match. However, the match was really exciting.

本文记述了一场激烈的足球比赛。因为这篇作文是写过去的事,作者在第一段点明这场比赛was really an exciting one I ve ever seen. 在下面段落中,作者按照时间顺序描写了比赛的全过程。作者对比赛的各个场面观察很细致,因此在文中把比赛描述得绘声绘色,足球场上的那种热烈而欢腾的气氛浓缩在文章的字里行间。作者在最后又用match was really exciting结尾,全文结构紧凑,语言表达顺畅。

If Mum Were Ten Years Younger

May 10TuesdayFine

The other day, Father came back home with a nice dress in his hand, shouting to Mother, “Hi! See what I ve brought you, my dear.”He thought Mother would be very pleased with this new dress.

To Father s great surprise, Mother was rather unhappy as soon as she had taken a quick look at the dress, saying angrily , “How could I wear such a fashionable dress like this at my age? You re always spending a lot of money on something useless!”Father insisted she try it on, but she even refused to take another look at it. A quarrel started between them. I looked on, not knowing what to do, “Afang, let s go swimming. Quick!”Father went out with me without supper. In the swimming pool, I thought he would teach me how to swim, but he just left me alone in the water, playing. He stood by, not saying a single word.

Back home I said to Mother, “Do try it on, Mum. I beg you.”It wasn t long before Mother gave in and she began to put it on. With her thick waist she didn t really look pretty in it as we had expected. “Well, I ll return it to the shop tomorrow, ”Father retreated. I said, “If Mum were ten years younger , everything would be all right.”This put my parents into laughter.

作者的父亲好心地为母亲买回了时髦的服装,He thought mother would be very pleased... 但To Father s great surprise, 等待他的不是感激,而是母亲的不满。相互让步后,家庭依然温馨,夫妻依然恩爱,但文中却抹不去那岁月留给人的无奈。

The Forsaken Little Girl

October 26 Friday Cold

Wa, wa , wa... From the corner of the station waiting room, suddenly, people heard the cry of a baby. My mother and I walked to the crowd to take a look. Oh, what a pity! A little girl who seemed no more than a month old was lying on a piece of paper board. Her mother wanted no more of her, and had forsaken her in this noisy railway station.

She must be hungry, for she moved her little head from side to side, trying to find something to eat. Her cries really stroked everyone s heart. All the onlooking people shook their heads, and cursed that coldblooded mother. Just at this time, a railway woman ran around, holding a newlybought milk bottle, and fed half a bottle of fresh milk into the baby s mouth. She immediately stopped crying, and sucked greedily. A big tearball rolled down her little cheek.

Mother couldn t bear to look any more, and pulled me out of the crowd. I kept looking back, but our train arrived. How I wanted to see that little girl one more time! How things would be for her tomorrow?Would someone kindly take her? Could she grow up? All these I couldn t know, and would never know.

文字浅显,描写细腻、感人。文章一开头写婴儿的哭声吸引了人们的注意力,人们纷纷前去围观,“我”和“我”的母亲也加入其中,Oh, what a pity!后来才明白原来是一个不满一个月的女婴被她狠心的妈妈遗弃在嘈杂的火车站候车室的角落。女婴因饥饿不停地大声哭叫,这时一名车站的女工作人员拿着刚刚买来的奶瓶走过来。婴儿贪婪地吮吸着新鲜的牛奶,小脸蛋儿上挂着泪珠。这样,文章通过人性的美与丑的对比,突出了那位女工作人员的美与善。最后,How things would...?Would someone...? Could she...?接连三个问句表现了作者对此事的关心,All these I couldn t know , and would never know. 又表现了作者的感慨。

An Outing

May 5SundayFine

Today some of my old friends and I went to the West Lake for an outing. It s several years since we went there. Great changes have taken place there. Boating on the lake, we found the water much cleaner than before. In some places we even saw grass growing on the bottom of the lake. Besides, we found more flowers and taller trees, and clearer roads and so on. Today people take more care of places of interest because our country has started to prevent pollution. So I think if we are determined to keep on, the West Lake will be come even better one day. And certainly more and more Chinese and foreign visitors will go there.

本文开门见山,以顺序的方法介绍了事情发生的过程。文中多次使用比较级,说明了 Great changes have taken place there. 文章结尾用So I think..., the West Lake will be... 适当展开联想,使文章提高了一个档次。

A P.E. Lesson

April 18TuesdayFine

This afternoon we had a P. E. lesson. Our teacher led us in practising long jump.

When the bell rang, we gathered on the playground. After warmingup exercises, the teacher told us the way of long jump and gave us an example. Then we followed the teacher and practised one after another. Soon came my turn and I felt nervous. I failed this time but I didn t lose heart. I kept on thinking the teacher s words and practising. At last I managed to jump over two metres.

From this lesson I came to realize that one will succeed if he has perseverance.

本文语言生动,多个常用短语 gather on, lose heart, keep, manage to, come to realize 等的使用使文章更精炼,叙述自然流畅。

In KFC Restaurant

March 24FridayClear

Today Mum, Dad and I went to a KFC restaurant for lunch. Mum bought five pieces of chicken legs. I loved the food so much that I said to Mum, “Mum, don t eat until I finish my eating. Dad always does so.”Hearing this, Mum said to me, “Your father s doing so means how much we always think of you. It is right that you also think of others first. Then we can share care and love. Don t you think so?”I understood what Mum said and felt embarrassed. Then I said to Mum, “Mum, I was wrong. Let s eat and enjoy the meal together.”We all laughed and had a good time there.

本文语言流畅,事件叙述完整清晰。通过讲述发生在KFC Restaurant 中的一件小事,使作者明白了一个大道理“先人后己”。句型和词汇准确灵活的运用,使本文成为一篇佳作。

A Good Deed

March 14FridayRainy

It was raining. On the way home, I saw a little girl crying in the street. Then there were few people. I walked to her. The girl told me that she lost her way, and didn t know how to go back home. I asked where she lived, but she didn t tell exactly. I made many efforts to find her home. At last when I got to my own home, I was wet all over, tired and hungry. But I was pleased, I had done a good deed.


I Have Grown Up

July 8MondayCloudy

I am the only daughter in my family. Mum loves me so much that she doesn t allow me to do any housework. After dinner this evening, I offered to help Mum wash dishes. But Mum still said, “Oh no. Good girl, leave the dishes to me. Will you want to help me or bring trouble to me?”I left the kitchen sadly. I was almost in tears. Won t I be able to do any small help in housework?I am old enough to help parents do something. I really want to practice. Mum, please believe me and let me be your helper and do something. After all I have grown up.


I Can Speak English Well

May 8MondayCloudy

This afternoon an English lecture competition, whose title is Challenge The Future, was held in the multifunctional classroom. The competitors gave wonderful lectures in fluent English and won thunderous applause.

Compared with their English, I felt ashamed of my poor English. So I ve made up my mind to study hard and I m sure I can speak English as well as they do some day.


Mountain Climbing

September 9SundayFine

Mountain climbing is my favorite sport. I m fond of it very much, especially in late autumn.

One day, early in the morning, my friends and I put on our sports shoes and started off.

After climbing for half an hour, we got to the top of the hill. There we had a very good view miles around. To the north, a big river runs through the city. There are many ships sailing busily. A lot of trees are there, too.

It was time for us to go back when the sun started to go down. On the way back, we were laughing and talking all the time. We had a good time that day.

本文较好地描写了一天的生活。语句通顺,意思表达清楚。文中使用了大量短语,fond of, put on, the top of, a lot of,使文章提高了一个档次。

Lark Birds

April 3WednesdayFine

Lark birds are very beautiful. They have beautiful voices, so people usually call them“the singers in the forest”. People love them very much.

Lark birds eyes look like bright pearls, and they can shift very fast at time. Some of their feathers are black, some are white and they are all very glossy.

My father told me:“Lark birds live in the desert. They usually stay in the trees. In summer, they always play in the trees. If you sway the trees, they will fly away quickly. They never go to people s houses.”

Lark birds like grain and insects very much. They often help the old and the young, and for whom they always leave them their best food.

When autumn comes, the weather is colder and colder. At that time lark birds begin making houses for themselves. They are getting ready for the cold weather.

Ha, ha!How interesting the lark birds are!I like lark birds. I like their songs even better.



June 6SaturdayHot

It is my birthday today. My mother bought a large cake in the morning and put it on the kitchen table.

I rushed into the kitchen as soon as I came home from school. I was very glad to see the beautiful cake, on which there were the words “Happy birthday, Mingming.”Suddenly I saw a small black ant on the table. “You dirty thing,”I said and wanted to twist it to death with my finger. But seeing the small thing crawl slowly on the table, I couldn t help having pity on it. I took away the cake, leaving a bit cream on the table and went out. When I returned after a while I found that the table was covered with a large number of ants, trying to move the cream. With great effort, they moved it to the edge of the table. I placed it back to the center of the table just for fun, thinking that they would give up. But beyond my expectation, they returned to the cream and moved it again.

How strongwilled the ants are!



October 2SaturdayCloudy

Today I read an article about whale and have a better understanding about it. Whales live in the ocean, but they are not fish. They are born warmblooded memmals and must have air to breath. The babies are alive and drink milk from the mother s body. It took millions of years for the whale to develop as it is today.

Every spring, groups of whales swim hundreds of kilometers to warm places to bear their young. Each group goes to the same place every year. The mothers take very good care of their babies. The fully grown whales are very gentle and playful with each other, and with humans. They “talk”to each other with a high noise that sounds beautiful. This “talking”can be heard for more than 300 kilometers in open waters.

Yet humans kill over a hundred whales a day. They kill them to make whale oils and a lot of other things. Killing them is a modern business with modern machines and even harpoons that explode inside the whales. A whale dies very slowly and in great pain. Some ships kill every whale they can find, even the mothers and babies. Then there are no young whales to grow up to bear more young.


The Apple Tree

May 22SundayWarm

This apple tree grows from tiny seeds. A young tree begins to grow from a seed. Because a young tree s roots reach into the soil, it is able to get water. Plants need water to grow. Soon, tiny, green leaves appear on the little stem that sprouts through the soil. The small leaves on this plant soon feel warmth when the sun s rays reach it. The young tree uses light from the sun to make its own food. For a few years, the tree uses all of it s energy just growing bigger. Then, one spring, it grows sweet smelling flowers. During the summer, apples begin to grow where the flowers once bloom. Each day, the apples grow larger because the tree is healthy. In fall, the apples begin to fall from the tree. People eat some of the apples when they pick them. People like apples because they taste good. When some apples roton the ground, their seeds begin to sprout into new little trees.


Chinese Kiwi from a Mountain Village

September 30FridayFine

I was doing my lessons after supper this evening when I heard our doorbell ring. I opened the door and saw a strange man and a girl with glasses. The man said that he was my aunt s neighbour in the mountain village far from us and that he came here to see his daughter studying in a university here. My aunt asked him to take a box of Chinese kiwi to us. I let them in. They gave me the box and said they had something to do and left. I opened the box and took out several of them and asked my parents to eat. They looked like yellow green eggs. I had seen some before but hadn t eaten them. I peeled one and took a bite. It was tasty and refreshing with sour and sweet. I asked my father why they were called such a name(They are called monkey s peaches in Chinese). He said it was because they were monkey s favourite fruit. He also told me that these fruit contained good nutrition. After hearing my father s words, I came to like them very much and ate several of them without a break.


The Wonderful Structure of a Microcomputer.

July 15SaturdayFine

Today my parents bought a personal computer for my family. Its registered trademark is Lenovo. I took a very careful look at it. In appearance, it has three simple and obvious parts:the main frame, the keyboard and the display, which is also called the monitor. In other words, if you own these three parts, you would exactly have a computer. A computer system is made up of software and hardware in the light of its working process. If we compare the hardware to a human body, then, the software would be the soul.

Just as a driver can t drive a car without driving skills, you can t operate a computer without operating techniques. The controlling techniques are called software.

The work of a computer is just making full use of all kinds of resources by a software set in the computer, and directing the hardware to realize marvelous omnipotent functions. Its working process is similar to a human brain. No wonder it is popularly know as an “electral brain”!


My Writing Desk

June 29FridayFine

These days my parents were busy renovating our newly signed apartment. They were excited. I was also full of joy, thinking that I ll have my own room. After supper this evening I was doing my homework when I heard my parents talk over the house again. My mother said, “I want to sell all our old furniture and decorate our new house brand new.”“Of course”, my father said, “We ve been expecting a comfortable house all the time.”

Hearing their words, I couldn t concentrate on my study any more. I looked at my writing desk, which is very old, and the paint on it is dim. However, I ve been using it since I went to the primary school. I m so familiar with it just as it is my old friend. I know where there is a small pit on it and where there is no paint. I couldn t help feeling it again, it seemed saying to me, “I m unwilling to leave you, my friend. But you don t like me now.”

“Oh, no,”I shouted.

“What s wrong?”my mother asked me concernedly.

I told her that I wanted to keep my writing desk. My mother thought for a while and said, “I understand you, my daughter. But let s buy a beautiful cover for it.”Hearing this, I jumped with joy.


My Electronic Organ

April 12FridaySunny

Recently several of my classmates have talked about their newly bought electronic organs. I also wanted to have one, so I said to my mother one day, “Mother, my classmates all have electronic organs, can you buy me one?I like it very much.”My mother said, “Of course, but you must get a good mark in your final examination.”I agreed without hesitation. From then on I worked hard and did very well in the examination. A few days later my parents bought me a cream colored electronic organ with black keys on them. I was very happy. Every day when I come home from school, I will play it for a while. When it is time to do my lessons, I will wipe it clean and cover it with a piece of cloth.


Autumn in the Countryside

October 14TuesdaySunday

It gradually turns cool. The sunlight is no longer so strong and the cicada have stopped crying. The hot summer went by at last. My favourite season in the year is coming.

Everywhere we can see the scene of bumper crops:on the fields is golden rice, on the trees ripe fruits. The farmer s faces are full of smiles. They are now expecting a good harvest through a summer s hard work.

The autumn evening is especially beautiful. When the setting sun goes slowly down in the west, the sky over the mountains is covered with red rays of evening sunlight, which shines upon the blue sky and floating clouds, just as the maple leaves fall onto the sky.

It is getting cool at dusk. The wind blows, the moonlight shines on the ground, the frogs croak and insects chirp in the fields. Such a situation will make you forget all the unhappy things in the daytime.

I love the beautiful season.


My Cousin—“the Little Emperor”

September 22SundaySunny

My little cousin is loved by everyone in his family for the reason that he not only has a lovely face with two black and bright eyes, but he is also the only son of the family. He is called “the root of life”by my grandfather and grandmother and “The heart”by my uncle and aunt. Therefore he is spoilt.

This morning I went to see my grandfather and grandmother. I washed some pears after lunch. My cousin picked the biggest one at once, but he gave grandmother and me a smaller one and said, “The rest belongs to me”. Then he had a big bite of them one by one. I was very angry and said, “Don t you remember the story of Kong Rong, the ancient boy, eating pears?He kept the smallest to himself.”My cousin burst out crying on hearing that and said that I bullied him. As usual, my grandmother criticized me. So I went home unpleasantly.

I must work out a good idea to make my grandmother and grandfather, my uncle and aunt realize that it is harmful for them to spoil the child.


On the Bus

January 24SaturdayFine

It was Saturday. Early in the morning, my friend Xiao Lin and I got on the bus to go to the town. There were a lot of people on the bus, and we had to stand. Five minutes later, some of them got off. Then Xiao Lin sat down next to a fat woman. She had some shopping bags, and Xiao Lin didn t have much room to sit. At last the bus got to the town. All the people started to get off. Xiao Lin was very polite, so he stood up to let the fat woman get off before him. She said, “Thank you.”Then she wanted to get out of the seat with all her bags. But she couldn t move. She was stuck.

Xiao Lin had to push the woman. The conductor pulled her, too. At last they got her free but she wasn t pleased. “I ll write to the company.”She said. “I ll tell them not to make buses with such small seats.”


A Girl Selling Eggs

March 11SaturdayFine

Father was away on official business, so I had to look after my mother, who was ill in bed. I decided to buy some tomatoes and eggs in the hope of cooking a delicious meal for her.

I took enough money with me, and then walked cheerfully to the market with a basket in my hand. What a crowded market!I tried to find eggs, but I was out of luck. I felt disappointed. Then I saw a village girl carrying a basket full of eggs. I rushed to her and began to choose big and fresh ones. Before long there were lots of people gathering around her. As a result, I had to move aside. Suddenly two eggs slipped off my hand and fell to the ground. The girl was busy selling her eggs without noticing this, I ran away quickly with an uneasy feeling.

Later, I went to a greengrocer to buy tomatoes. I was about to pay for those I had chosen when I found my purse gone. I didn t know what to do. Suddenly I heard a loud, sweet voice. I turned my head. It was the village girl selling eggs, “I m here to give this back to you,”she said, “I saw your photo inside. So I guess the purse must be yours.”Looking at her sincere smile, I couldn t keep back my tears.


A Ten Yuan Note

June 24WednesdayFine

Yesterday our headmaster told us that some areas in the southeast of China were flooded because of heavy rainfall. So all of us decided to give help to those homeless people. But my family is not rich. Perhaps mother would not give me any money. How could I get some money from her?

I was so worried that I could hardly fall asleep in the night, keeping on thinking about what to do. And soon I got an idea. I decided to get some money from her without her permission. There was no light in Mother s bedroom, so it was hard for me to find her money. When I got close to the place where mother usually kept her money, I heard a cough. I quickly took a ten yuan note and went out quietly with it tightly grasped in my hand.

The next morning, as soon as I got up, I rode to school without breakfast. The note was put into a big box and all the money in it was to be sent to the disaster area.

After class, I rode back as usual. But how I wished the distance was longer. It was 12:30 when I got home. I found Mother sitting on the sofa and looking at me in a strange way. “I lost a tenyuan note yesterday. Did you see it?”she asked, still looking at me. I felt even more nervous and kept shaking my head. “Really?”again she asked. It seemed as if she had known something about it. I d better tell her the truth. After explaining everything to her, I thought I was sure to be scolded. To my great surprise, instead of scolding me, Mother praised me for doing this. My heart was filled with joy and I couldn t help giving her a sweet kiss.

作者在这篇日记中记叙了为了支援灾区人民,自己不惜偷妈妈的钱去捐款的事情,表达了作者美好的心灵, 同时也表现了妈妈高尚的品格和乐于助人的精神风貌。这是我国精神文明建设和爱国主义教育深入人心的体现。文章用词简洁,文理通顺。

Pollution in the Countryside

June 2SundaySunny

Many people say that the environment of the countryside is much better than that of the cities. Many years ago this was true, but now the environment in the countryside is worse than before.

The farmers are richer than before, so they want to change their living conditions. One of the things they do is to rebuild their houses. The problem is that many villagers have their houses built on the farmland. The distance between villages is becoming shorter and shorter.

During the harvest time, villagers often burn useless straw and hay. The smoke rises in air. In those days, even in the morning, smoke can be seen here and there. In the east of my village, there is a small river, which flows into a big river not far from my village. In my childhood, children often swam in the small river and women often washed clothes in it. But nowadays people often throw dead cats and mice or even dead sheep into the river. Those things make it dirtier and dirtier. Now no one goes there except farmers who want to wash the containers of chemical fertilizer.

The environment in the countryside has been seriously polluted. I believe that farmers will realize the terrible results sooner or later. However, won t that be too late?Something must be done at once to prevent the environmental pollution in the countryside.


I “Cheated” Them

November 6TuesdayWindy

Wang Hua, Li Dong and I are good friends for many years. We go to the same school and the same class. We are always together after school, and there is seldom a quarrel among us.

However, last Sunday Wang Hua and Li Dong quarrelled about how to go the City Stadium for a basketball match on that evening. Wang Hua wanted to take a taxi while Li Dong preferred to go there by bike. They quarrelled for nearly one hour. It was such a trifling thing that it was not worth quarrelling. But what could I do to make them at peace and follow my advice?

I racked my brains for a few minutes, and then got a good idea. I turned on the radio and put on the earphones. After ten minutes, I turned off the radio, and reported to them, “Here is the news about the coming basketball match. No taxies or bikes are allowed to park at the gate of the Stadium.”They agreed to go by bus. Arriving at the gate of the Stadium, we saw a lot of bikes and taxies parking here and there. Until then did they realize that I had “cheated”them. All of us laughed. And we watched a wonderful match on that evening.


A Trip by Bike

July 13Fine

The summer vacation began the day before yesterday. On that morning some good friends of mine gathered in my home. One of them suggested making a trip to the country by bike, for we were all tired of staying in town. We thought it a good idea and agreed at once. After things for a trip were prepared, we started off.

At first we rode fast, singing and whistling at the top of our voices. The trees and houses sped backward and the cool wind lifted our clothes up. We were very excited. Soon we reached the entrance to another town. The road wound on the hillside. The town was much lower than the one we lived in. It was close to a cliff. We rode down the road slowly and carefully, forgetting to talk with each other. Finally we got to the foot of the hill, and we all cheered.

We had lunch by a beautiful lake and rested for a long time. Then we began our journey home. But we were all so tired and thirsty that we couldn t ride up the road any longer. What was worse was that , we were caught in a sudden rain. What difficulty we were facing!How we wished to be at home!Encouraging each other, we started walking. Just as the proverb says:“Perseverance means victory.”We succeeded in finishing the trip and returned home in the end.


Is Money Allpowerful

December 29Fine

Today is the last day of the Year. Time is flying so fast. It s impossible to stretch a day. To make a 32nd of December is impossible. No matter what we do, or how much money we are willing to pay, we cannot make a day last longer than 24 hours. There are 24 hours in a day. Sometimes when we are very happy, we wish that the period of happiness would last longer. That s only a wish. On the other hand, when we are unhappy, money cannot make the unhappy time pass more quickly, nor can it bring us a day without sadness and worries. We may be rich, but our money can t bring back our lost time. As the saying goes:“Time lost cannot be called back.”

Here we can see very clearly that most of the material things in our daily life have to be bought with money, but never can time be. So money, after all, is not allpowerful.


My Best Friend

April 30Fine

Zhang Ming is my best friend. We ve been classmates for many years. Though he is not tall, he looks healthy and active. He is fond of music. He is one of members of our school band. And he loves sports, too. He works hard at this lessons. He always tries his best to finish his homework by himself. He gets good marks in all subjects. He is modest and ready to help others.

I used to be poor in English and he has helped me with my English study patiently. With his help, I have made much progress and caught up with the class.

These years I ve learned a good deal from him. As we know, friendship is very important to us. Whether we are children or adults, we all need friends because friends can help us solve our problems.

Now, our society has become more and more complicated. No matter where we live and work, we cannot stand being seperated from the people around us. Sometimes, we might need their help. Of course, we will also lend them a hand when they are in trouble. This means that we should be friendly to each other.


A Story about Xiaojie

August 23MondayFine

Today is the first day of this term. I m determined to work hard from now on. This reminds me of a story which happened last term.

Last term I studied very hard. But some of my friends did very little work. Some did just enough to pass exams. Others didn t do well. My roommate Xiaojie was one of them. He spent more time in playing than in working.

At the end of the term, we had to take an important test in chemistry. There would be a hundred questions in the test paper. To each question we were expected to write“True”or “False”. While I was studying in my room the night before the test, Xiaojie was watching TV. He usually worried a lot at the night before the test. Then he told me of his plan:“It s very simple. There are a hundred questions and I have to get fifty correct to pass the test. I ll take a coin into the exam room. I haven t studied chemistry for months, so I ll just toss the coin. In that way, I m sure I ll get half the questions right.”

The next day Xiaojie came cheerfully into the exam room. He sat at his seat tossing a coin for half an hour while he marked down his answers. Then he left the room half an hour ahead.

However, no pains, no gains. He failed in the examination.

From the story I think studying hard is rather important than anything else. Depending on luck is no good.



January 18Fine

Today my father came back from the USA. He told us some customs of Americans.

When an American friend asks you to dinner, he usually invites you weeks in advance. If you have no time and can not accept the invitation, you can ring him to say sorry. The American friends like to schedule their time carefully in order to do all the things in an orderly way.

The dinner is usually served at home, but sometimes at a restaurant. You should get there on time, and don t forget to wear your fine clothes. It is also a good idea to take some little presents to your friends, such as flowers, cards and so on.

When you are at dinner you should also observe some customs. My father told us some of the customs as follow:

a. Don t leave bones on the table or on the floor.

b. Don t use your bowl to drink soup, but use your spoon to help you instead.

c. Don t talk with much food in your mouth.

d. Don t ask others to have more wine.

e. After dinner, use your napkin to clean your mouth and hands.

f. Make sure tiny pieces of food are not left on your face.

After dinner, you can stay there for a while. Next day, you d better ring your friend to thank him for the good dinner.

I think the customs in America are quite different from those in China. Different countries have different customs.


A Woman

May 14Fine

Today I read a short story. The story is short but it s full of meanings.

A woman in blue jeans stood at the windows of an expensive shop. Though she hesitated for moment, she finally went in and asked to see a dress that was in the windows. The assistant who served her didn t like the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scoron fully, he told her that the dress was sold out. The woman walked out of the shop angrily and decided to punish the assistant next day. She returned to the shop the following morning and dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seeking out the rude assistant she asked for the same dress. Not realizing who she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time. With great difficulty, he climbed into the shop windows to get the dress. As soon as she saw it, the woman said she didn t like it. She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring out almost everything in the windows before finally buying the dress she had asked for.

From the story I think it s not right to judge a person just by what he wears. If you treat others terribly, others will also treat you likewise. Please don t look down upon others who aren t welldressed.


New Years Celebration in the US

November 17Fine

Today I watched a report about New Year s celebration in the US on TV. The most popular way to welcome the New Year in the United States is to hold a big party. Some parties are at private houses. But in recent years it has become more and more common for Americans to go to a hotel or an eating place on the night of December thirtyfirst. There, they can eat a big dinner, and dance to orchestra music.

Most New Year s parties have some things in common. First of all they are usually noisy. People shout and sing. Bands play. And often guests blow on small noisemakers when the New Year arrives at midnight. People thought that loud sounds would drive away the evil spirits of the old year before the new year began.

The biggest, noisiest New Year s party in the United States takes place at Times Square in New York City. Thousands of people gather there. Some of them ring bells or set off firecrackers. Others blow whistles or car horns. And at twelve o clock, they begin to cheer as an electric sign in the shape of red apple lights up on top of a tall building.


A Contribution Activity

May 4 SaturdayFine

Last week, a big fire broke out in Xiaoming s house, we were all shocked by the news. We all knew his family was not very rich. It would be very difficult for him to continue his studies. We all worried about it.

So we got together to discuss how to help him. We decided to try our best to help him out of the trouble. So we all took out of our own saving.

Today our monitor, on behalf of the class, gave the money to Xiaoming s family. His family was deeply moved, and thanked us very much. We were all happy.

全文没有语法错误。行文流畅、自然,完整表达了事情的经过。以下词用得好:help him out of the trouble 帮他度过难关deeply moved 深受感动。

Be Bold, Whenever

June8 FridayFine

Today, in our first class, our teacher said to us, “I ll tell you an interesting story if one of you reads an English article for us.”But no one had the courage to stand up. To my surprise, our teacher came straight to me and asked me to read. Slowly, I stood up, looked around and saw many eyes focusing on me. My face turned red immediately. “I can t read.”I said in a low voice. Some boys began to laugh. I was in tears. “Be bold, you can do it well.”Our teacher said to me. I nodded. It was the first time in my life that I read before so many classmates. When I finished reading, our teacher said loudly, “Your voice is very nice!Why not show it to others?Be bold, whenever!”These words gave me a lot of courage. I will remember these words forever.


have courage to do 有勇气做……

come straight 径直过来;

look around 环顾四周;

focus on 集中在……上,等。

A Blind

October 21 ThursdayFine

Every day when my father and I leave home, we often see an old man with a pair of black glasses selling matches. Beside the old man is a big old dog. Around the dog s neck is a board with these words on it“I am blind”. We thought he is very poor. So father usually stops to give him some money without taking any matches.

Today we got up too late. Father and I were in a hurry. When we passed the man, we forgot to give the old man money. But soon the man ran after us and asked for money. We looked at him with surprise and then father asked, “Aren t you blind?”

“No, I m not blind. But my dog is blind.”the man answered.


1. 第一段第三句话 Around the dog s neck is a board with these...中,around, with 等介词使句子显得非常生动。

2. 第一段最后一句话中介词词组 without taking any matches 代替了 we didn t take any matches, 使句子更加简洁。

A Lecture

December 25 MondayWindy

Today our school invited Rosina, an Australian teacher, to give us, the students of Senior Ⅱ, a lecture on how to improve our English reading skill. Rosina gave the lecture in such an easy and lively way that we could fully understand her. If we had something we couldn t fully understand, she explained to us with great patience. Sometimes, she showed us the content through the computer.

I asked her what we should do if we met new words while reading an English article. She told me that sometimes we could try to guess according to the context. To my satisfaction, she showed me some wonderful and useful examples.

However, she emphasized that guess is not only one of the means of learning a new word, mostly and mainly, we should refer to dictionaries in face of new words. She even said that we could learn a lot in reading and studying a dictionary in our free time.

All the classmates learned a lot about how to improve their reading skills and they are now more interested in learning English. They are going to read more and more articles written in English so that they could improve their reading skills.

日记写得文句通顺,自然朴实。表达基本符合英语习惯。学以致用是本文的一个特点。比如, To my satisfaction, she showed me some wonderful and useful examples. 作者能够从 to my surprise 引申开来,写出To my satisfaction (令我满意的是),非常成功。另外,They are going to read more and more articles written in English so that they could improve their reading skill. 句中的 so that 用得很活。假如将此句分为两句(They are going to read more and more articles written in English. They will improve their reading abilities.),句子的英语味就要大打折扣。

Let s Bring Love to the Whole World

October 28 FridaySunny

Last week something terrible took place in our class:one of our classmates Xiao Li, fell down the stairs of our classroom building. He got badly hurt. He had to stay in hospital for a long time. How unfortunate he was!

So this afternoon all our classmates and our teacher, Mr Yan, were going to the fields to help Xiao Li s family gather the grain.

After lunch we set out. It was a long way from our school to Xiao Li s home. It took us half an hour to get there by bike.

Then we walked to the fields, bent down and began to work. Some of us worked very quickly though some had never done any farming work before. Time went by quickly and we knocked off about 4 o clock.

Xiao Li s parents were thankful. “It s very kind of you to come and help us,”they said. They invited us to have a rest in their houses and gave us a lot of things to eat. After that we went back.

Now I realize it s important to help and care for each other, and we should regard the each classmate as a member of a big family.

Let s bring love to the whole world.


(1)“一件坏事”不应说成 a bad thing。a bad thing 是“一件坏东西”,故此处用了 something terrible。that 引导的同位语从句改成了“:”,这样更符合英语表达习惯。

(2)wound 一般指“用武器致伤”,事故受伤要用 injure 或 hurt.

(3)在英语中“严老师”,应说 Mr Yan。

(4)field 泛指“农田”时,一般用复数。

(5)根据上文 help 应是 went to the fields 的目的状语,而不是并列的动作,故应用不定式 to help。另外,Xiao Li s family 如果用 them代替则指代不清。这种指代不清的错误,中国学生尤其要注意避免。用代词时,一般上下文要有相应的名词存在。

See the Flagraising Ceremony

January 3Fine

Because I sat up late to hear the o clock striking twelve to welcome the New Millennium, I felt very tired this morning. But I got up very early in order to see the flagraising ceremony. There were a lot of people standing in Tian An Men Square.

When I saw the national flag raised slowly, I felt very excited and proud—proud of our powerful motherland—China.

该文层次清楚,中心突出,语言朴实流畅,作者有一定的文字表达功底。如:sit up(熬夜),strike twelve (零点敲钟),特别是没有受中文思维的约束用 welcome the New Millennium 来表达对新世纪新年的向往与期待。此外作者在多处使用了ing与ed 形式,使文章更简洁更具文采。

Fly the Kite

Nov.17th SundayFine

This morning,after finishing all my homework,I went to the People s Park together with my classmate Mary to fly a kite.We got a very nice kite,and it was such a lovely day.So we were sure to have a lot of fun.

I began to fly the kite.Once it went up into the sky,I began to run very fast,and hoped that it would go higher and higher.Then suddenly I felt something wrong.Looking up into the sky,I was disappointed to find that the kite had got broken.In no time the broken kite and rope fell over me.What a fool!I sat on the grass,feeling rather ashamed of what I had done.

Then Mary comforted me,saying,“Now,you know what makes a kite fly high.It s patience and skills.”Yes,I ve learned a good lesson today.

本文运用了较多的语法结构,如分词短语looking up into the sky作状语;that宾语从句;What a fool!感叹句;what宾语从句等。此外,丰富的词语,如together with,have a lot of fun,learn a good lesson等使文章语言形式多姿多彩。

The First English Lesson

September 1,1999Sunny

Today I become a student of No.1 Middle School.

The bell was ringing.It was our first English lesson at this school.Every student in the class was wondering what our new English teacher would be like when a petit but goodlooking woman entered the classroom.She was our English teacher.She looked lively.And she spoke fast,but every word sounded clear.She spoke English so wonderfully that I liked her very much.

I think my English will become better and better with the help of the new English teacher.


Keep Healthy

May 5thMondayRain

Zhou Lan,one of my classmates,is ill again.I think that her poor health has something to do with her bad daily habits.For example,she seldom eats on time,she likes eating food rich in fat while she doesn t like eating fruit and vegetables,she doesn t do any exercise.Besides,she is always studying late into the night,yet she has to get up early to go to school in the morning,so she seldom gets enough rest.As is known,early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy,wealthy and wise.

I should learn a lesson from her and try to form good habits and keep healthy.

短文共113个词,内容要点齐全,行文连贯,条理清楚。首句说明情况:周兰病了。第二句提出自己的观点:认为她身体不好与平时的生活习惯有关。之后,用for example开始,分几部分说明自己的观点,其中使用了while,besides,yet,so,as is known等表示连接的词或者短语。最后,另起一段表明自己在此事中的收获。






(4)格式正确。英文日记和中文日记写法大致相同。正文上边都应先写明日期、星期、天气状况。英文一般从左边向右写,而中文一般写在右边。最常见的写法是将年、月、日、星期写在左上角,天气状况写在右上角。月和日都可以用略语形式。在写天气状况时,一定要写形容词形式,不能写成名词。如遇节日可注明,如May 4th. Sunday, China s Youth Day。


  • 白雪公主(语文新课标课外读物)


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  • 祭司神妃:魔君,慢走不送


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  • 世界未解之谜全记录


  • 爱犹不及


  • 一错成婚,上司太过份


  • 大隋燕云


  • 农门俏妃


  • 散落在往事中的故乡


  • 最后一个道士2

