
第4章 双关

What part of a clock is always old?



Who is married to the First Lady?


(the First Lady第一夫人或第一个做夫人的女人,即夏娃(Eve)。)

What holds up the sun?

Sun beams.

(hold up支撑;beam n.梁,(灯光、日光等的)光柱。)

What kind of years weigh the least?

Light years.

(light years光年。)

Which is faster,heat or cold

Heat,for you can catch a cold.

(catch a cold患感冒。)

Why did the coach take away the players credit cards?

To keep them from charging.

(coach n.教练;credit card信用卡;keep...from阻止;charge v. 用信用卡付款,(篮球) 撞人犯规。)

What tree is always sad?

Weeping willow.

(weep v. 哭泣;willow n. 柳树;weeping willow垂柳。)

What tree is older than most other trees?


(elder adj.年龄较大的; n.(植)接骨木。)

Why is a river rich?

Because it always has two banks.

(bank n. 河岸,银行。)

Why do banks go to art school?

They like to draw interest.

(art school艺术学校(院);draw v.画,生(利息);interest n.兴趣,利息;draw interest生利息,引起兴趣。)

What body of water is easiest to hear?

The sound.

(a body of water水域;sound n. 声音,海峡,海湾。)

What is a witch s favourite exam?


(witch n.女巫;spelling n.拼写,咒语;spelling exam拼写测验,咒语考试。)

How are outfielders and a spider alike?

They both catch flies.

(outfielder n. (棒球运动的)外场手;spider n.蜘蛛;fly n.苍蝇,(棒球运动中的)高飞球。)What is the difference between a fly and a bird?

A bird can fly,but a fly can t bird.

(fly v. 飞;n.苍蝇;bird n.鸟;v.捕鸟。)

There are ten copycats in one car,if one gets out how many are left?

None.Because they re copycats!

(copycat n.无主见的家伙,复印机。)

Why is an astronaut like a football player?

They both make safe touchdowns.

(football美式橄榄球;touchdown n.着落,(橄榄球运动中)攻方持球触地得分。)

Why is the sun like a loaf of bread?

Because it s light when it rises.


Where can you find the largest diamond in the world?

On a baseball field.

(diamond n. 钻石,(棒球的) 内场,球场。)

What crime is encouraged in baseball?

Hit and run.

(crime n.罪行;encourage v.鼓励。)

What time is it when a pie is divided among four friends?

A quarter to one.

(a quarter to one差一刻钟一点,一人分1/4。)Which president does plants and trees the best?


(Bush与美国总统Bush的拼读相同。bush n.灌木。)

Why couldn t the pen write?

Because it was full of pigs.

(pen n.钢笔,猪圈。)

At what time of day was Adam born?

Just before Eve.

(before eve是一语双关,可表示“在黄昏前”或“在夏娃前”。)

How can you make a slow horse fast?

Don t give him anything to eat for a while.

(fast adj.快的;v.禁食。)

Why does a hen lay eggs?

Because if she dropped them they would break.

(lay eggs的一个意思是“下蛋”,另一个意思是“摆放鸡蛋”。)

What do you call the boss of a dairy?

The big cheese.

(dairy n.制酪场,乳牛场;cheese n.奶酪,重要人物。)

How are trees and dogs alike?

They both have a bark.

(bark n.树皮,(狗等)吠叫。)

Why are the moon and the earth good friends?

They ve been going around together for years.

(go around围着转,经常结伴外出。)

Who has a trunk and needs no key?

An elephant.

(trunk n.箱子,象鼻。)

What sort of jam can t you eat?

A traffic jam.

(jam n. 果酱,交通堵塞。)

How do you find the missing barber?

Comb the city.

(missing adj.失踪的;barber n.理发师;comb vt.梳头,彻底搜查。)

What job has its ups and downs?

An elevator operator.

(开电梯的人(elevator operator)的工作就是开上开下(up and down),have ups and downs的另一个意思是“兴衰起伏”。)

When is a person not a person?

When he s little cross.

(a little cross意思是“有点生气”,也可理解为“一个小十字(架)”。cross n.十字形(物);adj.发怒的。)

Why does time fly?

To get away from all the people who are trying to kill it.

(get away from...逃脱……;kill v.杀死;kill time 消磨时间。)

What do ghosts drink?


(spirits n.烈酒,灵魂。)

Why was the farmer angry?

Because someone got his goat.

(get his goat意思是“使他生气”,也可理解为“弄走他的山羊”。goat n.山羊。)

When is a horse like a house?

When it has blinds on.

(blind n.百叶窗,障眼物。)

What flower does every new mother want to listen to?

Baby s breath.

(breath n.呼吸;baby s breath 满天星。)

What is good on a roll but bad on a road?


(果酱对于面包是好的,而堵塞对于道路就不妙了。jam n.果酱,堵塞;roll n.一种圆面包。)

What trees do hands grow on?

Palm trees.

(palm n.棕榈,手掌。)

What is the sweetest lesson?

History,because it is full of dates.

(date n.日期,枣。)

What animal is on every legal document?

A seal.

(seal n.海豹,封蜡,图章;legal adj.法律的;document n.文件。)

Why is a dog biting its tail like a good manager?

Because he is making both ends meet.

(make both ends meet意思是“使收支相抵”,按字面可理解为“使两端相遇”。)

How is the earth like a piece of bread?

They both have a crust.

(crust n.面包的硬皮,地壳。)

Why did the musican cry after losing his drum?

He missed the beat.

(musician n.音乐家,乐师;miss v.未击中(跟不上),想念;beat n.节拍,敲击声;beats of a drum击鼓声。)

What part of a car is the laziest?

The wheels.They are always tired.

(be tired疲劳的,装上轮胎的。)

What is the best way to pass a geometry test?

Know all the angles.

(谜底可理解为“了解事物的各个方面”或“知道各个角”。geometry n.几何学;angle n.角,角的度数,(事物的)方面,角度。)

What is the best way to make trousers last?

Make the coat first.

(make trousers last是个歧义短语,可理解为两个意思,一是“使裤子穿得特久”,另一个是“最后做裤子”。如果取后一个意思,那么最好的办法是先做上衣。)

What does an astronaut do when he gets angry?

He blasts off.

(astronaut n.宇航员。blast off(生气地)走开;发射,起飞。)

What kind of jacket would you wear on the sun?

A blazer.

(blazer n. 燃烧物;颜色鲜明的运动上衣;女式上装。)

What happens when the sun gets tired?

It sets a while.

(set vt.(日、月等)落:The sun has set.太阳下山了。在方言中,set可作“坐”解,如:When she s tired she sets a while. while n.时间:(for)a while一会儿,一段时间。)

Why are the sunrise and sunset so dangerous?

Because they are the time when day breaks and night falls.

(sunrise and sunset 日出与日落。 Day breaks.(天)破晓。break又常作“破碎”解。Night falls.夜晚降临。fall通常作“掉下”解。)Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to class?

Her students were very bright.

(sunglasses n.太阳镜。bright可作“明亮的”或“聪明的”解。)

Why is your English teacher like a judge?

Because she s always handing out sentences.

(hand out分发。sentence可作“句子”或“判决”解。)

Why is a person with his eyes closed like a bad school teacher?

Because he keeps his pupils in darkness.

(darkness n.黑暗;无知。 keep pupils in darkness让学生处于无知状态,也可作“让眼珠处于黑暗中”解。)

What is the best way to pass a geometry test?

Know all the angles.

(pass vt.通过(考试)。)

What kind of feet does a mathematics teacher have?

Square feet.


Why did the pianist put his head on the piano?

Because he wanted to play by ear.

(pianist n.钢琴家。paly by ear凭听觉记忆弹奏曲调;按字面可理解为“用耳朵演奏”。)

How do you know that baseball players belong to unions?

They re often called out on strikes.

(strike作“罢工”解,又作“棒球运动中的击球失败”解。在棒球运动中,call out on stikes指“三击不中即出场”。on strike通常作“罢工”讲。)

Why does it take longer to go from second base to third than from first to second?

Because between second and third there s a short stop.

(a short stop通常作“短暂的停留”讲,此处指棒球运动中的“游击手”。)

Why are fish so smart?

Because they always travel in schools.


Can you go to the cinema with your watch broken?

Of course not,for I don t have the time.

(I don t have the time有两种理解:①我没有时间;②我没戴表或我的表坏了,不知道时间。)

When is a clock dangerous?

When it runs down the stairs and strikes one.

(strikes one另一层意思是:击中一个人。)

How many feet are there in a yard?

It depends on how many people stand in the yard.

(feet n.英尺;脚(pl.;yard n.)院子;码。)

When are people like glasses?

When they make spectackles of themselves.

(spectackle n.眼镜;make a spectackle of oneself使自己出丑,出洋相。)

How can you make a slow horse fast?

Don t give it anything to eat for a while.

(fast adj.快的;v.绝食。)

What is heavier in summer than in winter?

Traffic to the beach.

(heavy adj.重的;交通量大的,繁忙的。)

What clothing is always sad?

Blue jeans.

(jeans n.牛仔衣,牛仔裤;blue adj.蓝色的;伤感的。)

I have a tree in my hand.What kind of tree is it?

It s a palm.

(palm n.棕榈树;手掌。)

Can you explain what is free speech?

Your talking on someone else s phone.

(free adj.自由的;免费的。)

If the green house is on the right side of the road,and the red house is on the left side of the road,where is the white house?

In Washington,D.C.

(The White House白宫。)

Why are farmers cruel?

They pull corns by the ears.

(ear耳朵;一穗(玉米);pull corns by the ears另一种理解是“一穗一穗地掰玉米”。)

If a driver drives too fast he ll get a ticket.What will happen to a poet if he writes too fast?

His poetic licence will be taken away.

(poetic licence诗的破格(如不遵从语法规则等)。)

Why is an empty purse always the same?

There s no change in it.

(change n.零钱;变化。)

Why do little birds in the nest agree with each other?

Because they would fall out if they didn t.

(fall out摔出去;争吵。)

When will the wind improve its image?

When it turns over a new leaf.

(turn over a new leaf真正的涵义是:改过自新。)

Why is learning English like a light gentle wind to a smart student?

It s a breeze to them.

(breeze n.微风,和风;轻而易举的事。)

What has four wheels and flies?

A garbage truck.

(what has four wheels and flies?)

Where can a dog get another tail?

At a retail store.


How do you punctuate the following sentence? I saw a $100 bill on the ground

Make a dash after it.

(make a dash after it另一种理解是:冲上去拿呀 punctuate v. 加标点。)

What roof never keeps out the wet?

The roof of the mouth.

(roof n.屋顶;上颚。)

Does any child like going to school?

Every child likes going to school.Most of them just hate staying there before going home.

(go to school有两种理解:①在学校读书,上学;②去学校,上学校。)

Why is a crazy person equal to two ordinary people?

Because he is a man beside himself.

(beside oneself真正的意思是:发狂,忘形。)

What coat is always wet when it s put on?

A coat of paint.

(coat n.衣服;涂层,一层(漆)。)

Why did the band have a smash hit in the performance?

They had the audience glued to their seats.

(smash hit很成功的新剧、电影等 have someone glued to one s seat真正的意思是:使某人喜欢得不忍离座,直到看完(表演)为止。)

Why are giraffes the cheapest to feed?

They make a little food go a long way.

(go a long way维持很长一段时间。)

Why are mules helpless in dancing?

They have two left legs.

(have two left legs(跳舞等)笨手笨脚。)

How do you like your school?


(How do you like your school?有两种理解:①你觉得你们学校怎么样?②你希望你们学校是什么样子?)

Why are watches fragile?

Because their hours are numbered.

(fragile adj.易碎的,易坏的“Their hours are numbered”源于“One s days are numbered”意思是“某人在世之日屈指可数,寿命不长了”。)

What s put on the table,cut,but never eaten?

A deck of cards.

(cut the cards洗牌。)

Why dont women get bald as soon as men?

Because women wear hair longer.

(wear hair longer有两层意思:①留着更长的头发;②头发留得更长久。)How can you make the door last?

Make other things first.

(make the door last另一种理解是:最后做门。)

What s the most difficult train to catch?

The 12:50 train,because it s ten to one if you catch it.

(ten to one 1点差10分;10比1。)

What trees do fortune tellers like to look at?


(palm n.棕榈树;手掌 fortune teller算命先生,预言将来的人; palmist n.看手相者。)

How do people feel after taking a ferryboat?

They feel vexed,for the ferryboat made them cross.

(cross v.过去,渡过,穿过 adj.暴躁的,易怒的。)

What can I do to avoid falling hair?

Get out of the way where the hair s falling.

(avoid falling hair有两种理解:①防止头发脱落;②避开(从上面)掉下来的头发。)

What makes fish the smartest animal in the world?

No one can pull its leg.

(pull one s leg真正的涵义是:使……上当受骗。)

Why do people go to bed?

Because the bod won t come to us.

(go to bed另一种理解是:走向床,走到床跟前。)

What s the best thing to take when you re rundown?

The license number of the car that hit you.

(take v.吃(药等);记下来。)

What makes opening piano so hard?

All the keys are inside.

(key n.琴键;钥匙。)

Is it better to write your homework on a full stomach or on an empty one?

It s better to write it on your exercise book.

(on a full/empty stomach肚子饱/饿的时候;在饱饱的/空空的肚子上。)

My hen laid a fivepound egg,can you beat it?

Sure,with an eggbeater.

(beat v.胜过,比过;打(蛋) Can you beat it?另一层意思是“你会打这个蛋吗?”)

What animals are welleducated?

Fish,because they go around in schools.

(school n.一群(鱼);学校。)

What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy?

Drink well water.

(well n. 井;adj.健康的。)

Why is 10×10=1000 like your left eye?

It s not right.

(It s not right另一层意思是:它不对。)What do you still keep after giving it to someone else?

Your word.

(give one s word允诺,答应 keep one s word信守诺言 keep one s word after giving it真正的意思是:答应别人的事一定要做到。)

Are cats bigger in the morning or at night?

At night,because they re let out in night time and taken in in the day time.

(let out放出去;改长,改宽(尤指改衣服)。)

What did the big chimney say to the little chimney while working?

“You re too young to smoke.”

(smoke v.抽烟;冒烟。)

Who is lazier,the tall man or the short man?

The tall one,becaue he s longer in bed.

(longer adv.(时间)更长;(距离,身高等)更长。)

When did the driver stop to have lunch?

When he came to a fork in the road.

(fork n.三叉口;叉子。)

Who can raise things without lifting them?



Who is married to the First Lady?


(the First Lady第一夫人,总统夫人 the first lady第一位女士,指夏娃。)

How do we know the ocean is friendly?

It waves.

(wave v.起波浪;招手致意。)

How did the hangman get married?

He tied a knot.

(hangman n.绞刑吏,刽子手 tie a knot打一个结;缔结良缘。)

Why is the inside of everything so mysterious?

Because you can never make them out.

(make them out有两层意思:①把它们变到外面来;②弄懂它们,看清它们 mysterious adj.难理解,神秘的。)

Why is a coward like a leaky faucet?

…They both run.

(coward n.懦夫,胆小鬼;faucet n.水笼头;leaky adj.漏的,有漏洞的;run v.跑,溜走;流动,流(水)。)

Why should we never ask balloons for advice?

They are full of hot air.

(hot air 热空气,吹牛,胡说。)

Do audience ever steal anything?

Yes,when they take the floor.

(audience n.听众,观众;take the floor有两种理解:①词组真正的含义是“发言”;②在答案中可理解为“拿走地板”。)What will the farmer grow in his garden if he doesn t mind working hard?

He will grow tired.

(grow v.种植;变得……)

Why did the rooster refuse to fight?

Because it s a chicken.

(rooster n.分鸡,也作cock;chicken n.鸡,包括hen(母鸡),rooster/cock(公鸡),chick(小鸡);胆小鬼,懦夫。)

Why didn t the baseball catcher meet Cinderella?

Because he missed the ball.

(baseball n.棒球赛;棒球队队员有catcher(接球员),batter(击球员和pitcher(投球员)。Cinderella是童话中的人物,原名叫Ella,因为继母让她整天呆在厨房里,身上的衣服都是灰(cinder),所以大家叫她灰姑娘(cinderella)。 cinder n.余烬,煤块烧剩下的煤核 ball n.球;舞会 miss the ball另一层意思是:错过了舞会。)

What would happen if the rock heard a most funny joke?

He would crack up.

(crack up(引起)哄堂大笑,笑痛肚子 crack v.破裂,敲破 The rock would crack up另一层意思是:石头会裂开的。)

Why do you put your bed in the fireplace?

I want sleep like a log.

(sleep like a log真正的涵义是:睡得很沉很香fire place壁炉。)Why does the liar stay in his room all day?

So that nobody can find him out.


How long is a shoe,usually?

A little more than a foot long.

(foot n.英尺;脚 “A little more than a foot long”实指“比脚长一点点”。)

Books always claim to be kings,why?

They all have a lot of pages.

(page n.页;侍从。)

How do you feel today?

With my hands,of course.

(How do you feel today?另一种理解是:今天你怎样触摸?)

What weather do mice and rats fear?

When it s raining cats and dogs.

Who always finds things dull?

A knifesharpener.

(dull adj.无聊,没劲;钝。)

Who always drives his customers away?

A taxidriver.


Can you tell me how fast light travels?

The same way as slow light travels.

(travel v.传播,运行 “how fast light travel”有两种理解:①光速有多快;②快的光线如何传播。)

What s the hardest riddle in the world?

Life,because everyone has to give it up.


Can I try on that dress in the window?

You can use the dressing room.

(“Can I try on that dress in the window?”另一种理解是:我能在橱窗里试那件连衣裙吗?)

When is a secret like a dress?

When it s let out.

(let out (秘密)泄露;(衣服)改大。)

Is there anything that you can t get over?

Lots of.The sun,the moon,and lots of buildings.

(get over淡忘,痊愈(不愉快的经历、感受等);越过。)

Why did the hippies remind one of a coal miner in the old days?

Because they re fond of saying:“I dig.”

(“I dig”真实函义是:我喜欢。)

Do people fish with a permit in this area?

No,we fish with a bait.

(with持有;用……做某事 permit n.许可证,执照。)

What job will make people look up to you?

Windowwashing on highrises.

(look up to向上看,抬头望;敬仰,敬佩。)

Why is an empty matchbox the best thing to have in the world?

Because it s matchless.

(matchless adj.无可匹敌的,举世无双的;less后缀,意思是:没有……的,所以matchless又可理解为:没有火柴的。)

Why do smart students refuse to write about the king as their subject?

Because the king is not a subject.

(subject n.话题,主题;臣民,国民。)

When do dogs refuse to follow their owners?

When their owners go to the flea market.

(flea market跳蚤市场,卖旧物或小东西的市场;flea n.跳蚤。)

Henry was sent by his mother to see how old Mrs.Smith was but was scolded by the old lady,why?

Old Mrs.Smith thought it was her privacy how old she was.

(how old Mrs.Smith is有两种理解:①史密斯老太太身体怎么样;②史密斯太太有多大年纪。)

Mr.White followed a parking sign but was given a ticket by the policeman.Can you guess what that sign reads?

It reads,“Fine for parking.”

(“Fine for parking”另一种理解是:“停车罚款”。fine adj.好的;n.罚款。)

How can you keep your friend s friendship?

By not returning it.

(keep v.保持;保存,留住。)

What kind of people are most extravagant about their clothes?

Those who wear their clothes out the first day.

(extravagant adj.奢侈的;wear...out穿到外面;穿破,用坏。)

When are your eyes not your eyes?

When the wind makes them water.

(water v.流口水,流眼泪。)

Does this road go to the zoo?

Well,you ll have to go there yourself.

Why don t you take the bus home?

Because my home is not that big.

(take the bus home另一种理解是:把车带回家。)

What kind of cats are good for mice?

Cats who don t eat mice.

(be good for mice对老鼠好;用来对付老鼠好。)

Why did the skeleton refuse to go to the ball?

He has no body to dance with.

(He has nobody to dance with没有人和他跳舞。)

What do you call a girl who has three boy friends named william?

A Bill collector.

(Bill collector另一层意思是:搜集比尔的人(Bill是William昵称。)

What is lighter than a feahter,but you can t hold it for even 10minutes?

Your breath.

(hold one s breath屏住呼吸。)

Mary kissed her aunt goodbye but her aunt didn t kiss her back.Why?

Her aunt kissed her face.

(kiss her back回吻她;吻她的背。)

Does your watch tell the time?

No,you ll have to look at it.

(tell v.显示;告诉,对……讲。)

What is the best thing to make in a hurry?

Make haste.

(make haste抓紧,赶紧。)

What does the falling of the barometer mean?

It means whoever nailed the barometer did a poor job.

(the falling of the barometer有两层意思:①气压计上的气压下降;②气压计本身掉下来了。)

What s wrong with the dog chasing its tail?

It s having some difficulty making ends meet.

(make ends meet真正的意思是:使收入和支出维持平衡,不致于入不敷出。)

  • 一本书读懂消失的文明


  • 日常生活英语口语即学即用


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  • 那些无法拒绝的名篇


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