
第4章 Entertainment(娱乐)


A:Tomorrow I'm going to New York for a visit.What do you suggest I see?A:明天我去纽约参观,你说我去什么地方好?B:You should see the United Nations.It is located in the middle of the city.From there you can walk over to Broadway and see a major movie or play.B:您应该去看看联合国所在地。它就在纽约市中心。从那里步行至百老汇,您可以见到第一流的电影院和剧院。A:I'm interested in schools and the courses they offer.A:我对学校和学校开设的课程有兴趣。B:Then I suggest you go to Columbia University and New York University.They are two of the best schools in the city and they offer excellent courses.B:那么,我建议您去参观哥伦比亚大学和纽约市立大学。这是纽约最好的两所大学。所开设的课程也是一流的。A:What about Wall Street?A:华尔街怎么样?B:You should visit the stock exchange where all the stock transactions take place.Close by are the Twin Towers—World Trade Centre.B:您应该参观一下那里的证券所。所有的股票都在那里转换交易。附近是世界贸易中心。A:Do you have a map of the city?A:您有纽约市交通图吗?B:No,I don't.I suggest you stop at the visitor's bureau near the train station.They will have good maps and they can give more tourist information about the city.B:没有。我建议您先去火车站附近的游客服务部。那里有详细的市区游览图给您介绍更多的参观游览情况。

A:Kevin,can you imagine the beautiful scenery before you saw it?A:凯文,在你来之前能想象出这么美丽的景色吗?B:No,I think we are walking in a picture.B:不能。我想我们是徜徉在画中。A:As the cicerone said,Mount Tai has a special state in china.A lot of ancient kings had been here and left quite a few poems.A:据导游说,泰山在中国有特殊地位。很多古代的帝王都来过并留下诗篇。B:Yesterday we were in Qufu,the Confu

cius's hometown.I like the cultural atmosphere.These two places are both worth traveling again.B:[ZK(〗昨天我们在曲阜,孔子的故乡。我喜欢那里的文化氛围,这两个地方都值得重游。A:Before we came to China,a lot of questions were around my mind.Now,I think China is a great country with long histories and great hope.A:我们来中国之前,我脑子里有很多问题。现在,我认为中国是一个历史悠久、潜力巨大的国家。B:What's the next destination?B:下一个目的地在哪里?A:That's Ji'nan,a city which is famous for springs.A:是济南,以泉水著名。B:I can never forget our China trip.B:我永远忘不了这次中国之旅。A:Me,too.A:我也是。

A:Our summer vacation is coming.A:暑假就要来临了。B:I'm so exciting.What's your plan for summer vacation?B:我太兴奋了。你暑假有什么计划?A:I want to travel.A:我想去旅游。B:Where are you going?B:去哪?A:I have three choices:Japan,South Korea and Singapore.Can you give me some advice?A:我有三个选择:日本、韩国和新加坡。你能给我一些建议吗?B:I prefer Japan.You can visit Mount Fuji and eat Sushi.Have you ever been there before?B:我更倾向日本。你可以参观富士山、吃寿司。你从前去过那儿吗?A:No,I haven't.A:没有。B:So you can think about it.B:你可以考虑一下去那儿。A:Anything interesting in South Korea and Singapore?A:在韩国和新加坡有什么好玩的地方?B:Jizhou Island is very nice.As for Singapore,it's a famous garden city.B:济州岛很漂亮,至于新加坡,则是有名的花园城市。A:I think I will choose Japan.A:我想我会选择日本。B:Enjoy your trip in Japan!B:在日本玩得开心!A:Yes,I will.A:我会的。

A:Here we are at the Palace Museum.A:现在,我们到达了故宫博物院。B:B:A:Sure.The Palace Museum is the official name given by the Government.Of new China to the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasty.It is where the emperors lived.Common people were not permitted to approach it,so it is called the Forbidden City.A:当然,故宫博物院是后来新中国政府定的明、清两朝皇家宫殿的官方名称。以前皇帝们住在里面,百姓不得靠近,所以它又被称为紫禁城。B:I heard that gardens and buildings were numerous.How did the emperors arrange those palaces,halls,houses and towers?B:我听说里面的花园、建筑物不计其数,各朝皇帝是如何安排这些宫殿、房子和城楼的呢?A:The palace is divided into two main sections.The southern part,which is the outer court was for holding ceremonies; while the northern one,the inner court,was used as the living quarters for the emperor and his family.A:故宫分为两部分,南边的部分是外廷,为举行各类庆典用;北面的部分为内宫,是皇帝及家人的居住区。B:Look,what a brilliant building it is!B:看,那座大殿真辉煌!A:Hall of Supreme Harmony is the largest hall in the Forbidden City.Many important ceremonies were held in this hall,for example,the celebration of the Spring Festival,the enthronement of an emperor or the celebration of the emperor's birthday.A:太和殿是故宫中最大的殿,许多重要的庆典都在这里举行,比如春节庆典、皇帝加冕或是皇帝贺寿。B:We're now in the inner court,right? The bulletin tells us that this building is called the Palace of Heavenly Purity.B:我们到了内宫了吧?牌子上说这儿叫乾清宫。A:Yes.This is the central building in the inner court where the Ming emperors used to live.And here is the Palace of Earthly Tranquility where the emperor and the empress had to spend their wedding night.A:是的,这是内宫的中心建筑,明朝的皇帝住在这里。这是坤宁宫,皇帝和皇后必须在这儿过洞房花烛夜。B:Where did Empress Dowager Cixi give audience behind a screen?B:慈禧太后在哪儿垂帘听政?A:It is in the east chamber of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.Ladies and gentlemen,we're going to take a rest in the Imperial Garden.And you can also find pavilions,rare flowers and ancient pines and cypresses.A:在养心殿的东厢房。女士们、先生们,我们将在御花园里稍事休息,那里还有亭子、珍稀花草和古松古柏可供观赏。

A:Good afternoon,Tom.A:下午好,汤姆。B:Good afternoon.Jim.We'll have a sevenday holiday from tomorrow.How will you spend your holiday? B:下午好,吉姆。从明天开始我们将有七天的假期,你怎样过假期啊?A:I plan to visit Venice.Have you ever visited there?A:我计划去威尼斯,你以前去过那吗?B:Yes.Venice is a fascinating city between sea and sky.B:去过。威尼斯是一座海天相连的迷人城市。A:Could you tell me something about it?A:你能告诉我它的有关情况吗?B:Of course.It is built on 117 islands.There aren't any cars and buses.But it has 150 canals and 400 bridges.The narrow streets,with their historic names,are paved with flagstones but have no footpaths.They are lined with flowerdecked balconies,Madonnas,shop signs and lanterns.Artisans's talls and palaces stand side by side.The squares are charming.The brick bridges,with white stone trimmings are pitched high to allow barges to pass under them.B:当然可以。它建立在117个岛屿之上。没有汽车,但它有150条运河和400座桥。那些历史上有名的狭窄街道是用石板铺就的,但没有人行道。街道两旁有点缀着鲜花的阳台、圣母雕像、商店招牌和灯笼。工匠们的店铺与宫殿比邻共存,广场富有魅力。用白色大理石装饰的砖桥巍然屹立着,桥下游船如梭。A:So,a lot of tourists visit Venice every day?A:所以说,每天都有许多游客参观威尼斯?B:Yes.Every year thousands of tourists from the five continents visit this beautiful city.B:是的。每年都有成千上万来自五大洲的游客到这个美丽的城市观光。A:Really?What are they amazed at?A:是吗。他们最惊诧的是什么呢?B:They are always amazed at the charm of her water and pellucid light,which can make them free from all dust and cooled by the sea breezes.B:他们总是会惊诧于威尼斯的粼粼水波,它可以使他们涤尽尘埃,领略徐徐拂面的清凉海风。A:But I have heard that the level of the surrounding water is constantly rising.Is that true?A:不过,我听说威尼斯周围的水面正在不断上升,是真的吗?B:It's true.The exceptional position of Venice constitutes a threat to its very existence.B:是真的。威尼斯得天独厚的地理位置也正在威胁着它的存在。A:Do the Venetians still love their city,now?A:威尼斯人仍热爱着他们的城市吗?B:Yes,they want to stay there to save Venice from the sea.B:是的。他们愿意留在那儿拯救威尼斯。A:What measures have they taken?A:他们都采取了哪些措施呢?B:Various safeguards and remedies are under investigation.B:多项安全保护措施和补救威尼斯下沉的计划正在着手研究。A:That's great. A:那太好了。

A:It's interesting that as a financial center London looks so different from New York.A:真有趣,同样作为金融中心,伦敦看起来和纽约大不一样。B:That's true.Look at the name plate on the wall of the corner building.We're getting near to Trafalgar Square now.B:确实这样。看拐角处那幢楼墙上的路牌。我们现在快到特拉法加广场了。A:It's interesting where the British people place the road signs,but what's Trafalgar Square?A:英国人放置路牌的地方真有意思,但是特拉法加广场是个什么样的地方?B:It's a busy road with Nelson's statue.B:这是一个繁忙的交通枢纽,有尊纳尔逊塑像。A:Oh,yes,I know something about British history.He's the admiral that defeated Napoleon.A:哦,是的,我知道一些英国的历史。他就是打败拿破仑的那位海军上将。B:You're right.There may not be much to see on the square itself,but it's easy to get from there to many interesting places in London.B:你说得对。那个广场并没有什么可看的,但是从那儿到伦敦许多有名的景区很近。A:Can you mention a few so that we can decide where to go this morning?A:你能举出几个景点吗?我们好决定上午到哪儿去。B:Sure,it's not far from here to the Thames.If you like,we can take a walk on the embankment.B:好的,这儿离泰晤士河不远。如果你喜欢,我们可以在岸上散步。A:What if we go to see Buckingham Palace first?A:我们先看看白金汉宫怎么样?B:That's not far away either.Indeed you've got a very good idea.We can walk down the Mall which is wide and clean with quite a number of beautiful statues.It's so pleasant to have a walk there.B:那儿离这儿也不远。你的主意确实好。我们可以从林阴大道走下去,这条路既宽阔,又干净,还有几尊美丽的雕像。在那儿漫步真让人心旷神怡。A:Then let's walk down the Mall.A:那么,就让我们沿这条林阴道走下去吧。B:You'll see on one side of the Mall a beautiful park and if we have enough time,we may also visit the Houses of Parliament today.B:你可以看到林阴大道旁有一个美丽的公园,如果有时间的话,我们今天还能参观议会大厦呢。

A:Excuse me,sir.Could you take a picture for me?A:劳驾,先生。您能帮我拍张照片吗?B:Sure.It's my pleasure.B:当然,我很乐意。A:Thank you.I'd like to take a picture of me by the fountain.A:谢谢您。我想让您给我在喷泉旁照一张相。B:Don't move.I'm focusing the lens.Fine.Smile,please.This will make a great picture.B:别动。我正在对焦。好了。请笑一笑。这张照片一定不错。A:Thank you.A:谢谢。B:You are welcome.B:不客气。

A:Here we are at the Great Wall.A:我们到长城了。B:The Great Wall looks really great.The wall is high and solid.B:长城看起来真壮观,城墙高大坚固。A:The Ming Great Wall averages 7.8 meters in height,and is 6.5 meters wide at the base and 5.5 meters wide at the top.A:明长城约7.8米高,底部宽6.5米,顶部宽5.5米。B:Is this entrance built for soldiers or tourists?B:这个入口是为士兵修建的还是为游人修建的?A:(In a joking voice)In the past it's for soldiers and now it's for us.A:(开玩笑地说)过去是为士兵,现在是为我们。B:(In the same voice)Exactly.(After getting up the wall)It's very wide.B:(用同样的语气)的确。(登上城墙后)城墙很宽。A:It was designed to be wide enough to accommodate six horses abreast.And the top surface of the Wall is paved with three or four layers of large brick.Some of the slabs of rock were as long as two meters and weighed as much as one ton.A:它设计的宽度足以并排过6匹马,城墙顶部的表面是用三四层大砖砌成。有的平面的岩石长两米、重一吨。B:The battlements and watchtowers look splendid.B:城楼和箭楼看起来很壮观。A:There are many parapets and battlements,turrets and watchtowers at regular intervals.They were all built for military purpose.A:每隔一定距离,就有许多扶墙、城楼、角楼和箭楼。它们都是为了军事上的意图而修建的。B:So,this is a complete defensive work.B:所以,这是一件完美的防御性工程。A:Yes,have you seen the small earthen wall over there?A:对,你看到那边的土制城墙了吗?B:Is that the thing like a small castle made of earth?B:是那个用土建成的小城堡吗?A:Yes,that's called a beacon tower.In another word,signal tower.A:对,它叫烽火台。换句话说,是信号塔。B:How does it work?B:它是怎样工作的?A:During the Ming Dynasty,whenever a fire or smoke signal was sent,one warning shot was fired simultaneously.The more shots and signals warned the A:在明朝期间,无论何时,送出一处火或烟的信号时,同时就伴随着一声报警的炮声。更多的炮声和信号警示有更多的敌人。用这种方法,一个信息会在几 more enemies.In this way,a message could be transmitted over more than five hundred kilometers within a few hours.小时内传送到500公里以外的地方。B:How great the idea is!B:多么伟大的想法啊!

A:We don't know much about Beijing.If you don't mind,I'll leave the choice of what to see to you.A:我们对北京不熟悉。请您给我们推荐一下游览的地方。B:Then,let me suggest the Great Wall,the Summer Palace and the Palace Museum.B:那么,我建议游览长城、颐和园和故宫。A:I wonder if we could visit Tian'anmen Square.We've heard so much about it.A:是否可以参观天安门?关于天安门,我们听说得很多。B:Certainly.Your sightseeing programme includes a visit to Tian'anmen Square.B:当然了。你们的游览计划包括了游览天安门广场。A:How do we get there?A:我们怎么去呢?B:Now we'll wait here for the coach.We are going to visit Tian' anmen Square.The coach is leaving at nine sharp.Please stay with your group and don't wander too far off.

(A bus is coming.)B:我们在这里等车。我们去天安门广场参观,九点准时开车,大家别走太远。

(一辆汽车开来了。)A:We'll take this coach,won't we?A:坐这辆车去,是吗?B:Yes.Get off the coach at the entrance to the hotel,please.

(They get to the Tian'anmen Square.)B:是的。请在饭店门口下车。

(他们到了天安门广场。)B:Now,We are entering the Tian'anmen Square.To your right is the Rostrum of the Gate of Heavenly Peace.B:我们现在已经到天安门广场了。右边的城楼就是天安门。A:How grand it looks!A:看上去真宏伟。B:Located in the middle of Chang'an Boulevard is Tian'anmen Square.It is the largest urban square in the world.B:位于长安街中间的是天安门广场,它是世界上最大的城市广场。A:I've heard a lot about the square.Now I have the pleasure of seeing it with my own eyes.A:关于这广场,我已听说过很多。现在能亲眼看一看是一大乐趣。B:Tian'anmen Square covers an area of 440,000 square meters.B:天安门广场占地44万平方米。A:I've never seen such a magnificent square!A:我还从未见过这样宏伟的广场!B:To the west of the square is the Great Hall of the People and to the south,the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall,both open to the public.B:广场西侧是人民大会堂,南边是毛主席纪念堂。现在都对外开放。A:Why not visit them,too,sometime later?A:我们安排一个时间也去参观一下,好吗?B:Certainly.Now we reach Chang'an Avenue.It is a broad thoroughfare in Beijing,running east|west through the heart of our capital and passing by Tian'anmen.B:当然可以,现在我们到长安街了,这是北京的一条通衢大道。东西横穿首都中心,路经天安门。A:This avenueis very long,wide and clean.A:这条街又长又宽,而且又干净。B:Looking ahead,you can see the Monument to the People's Heroes in the center of Tian'anmen Square.On the west side of the square and south of Chang'an Avenue is the Great Hall of the People.B:往前看,在天安门广场的中心是人民英雄纪念碑。广场的西侧、长安街的南边是人民大会堂。A:Shall we go there to have a closer look?A:我们可以走近去看看吗?B:Sure.Now let's have a stroll round the square.B:当然可以,现在让我们在广场走一走。A:Come on.Let's take some pictures as a reminder of the visit.A:来,让我们拍几张照片作为纪念。

1.It is located in the middle of the city.

locate in :位于,座落在……。 例:

Geographically,China is located in the Northern Hemisphere.


The country is located in the northern part of Europe.

那国家位于欧洲北部 (北欧)。

2.I like the cultural atmosphere.

cultural atmosphere :文化氛围。 例:

I think most fans are youngsters who are into the cultural atmosphere super girls advocate.


3.As for Singapore,it's a famous garden city.

garden city :花园城市。 例:

The garden city attracts many tourists.


They stood on top of the hill,drinking in the beauty of the garden city.


4.The palace is divided into two main sections.

be divided into :分为,分成。 例:

A typical financial crisis can be divided into several stages.


5.Venice is a fascinating city between sea and sky.

between sea and sky :海天相接。 例:

He walked alone between sea and sky.


6.The narrow streets are paved with flagstones.

be paved with: 由…… 镶嵌而成,由……铺成。 例:

The street was paved with pebbles.


The unsullied and shining floor was paved with white mosaics.


7.Various safeguards and remedies are under investigation.

under investigation :在调查研究中。 例:

The matter is under investigation.


The accident is under investigation.


8.Let's take a walk on the embankment.

take a walk :散步。 例:

An ingenious idea suddenly came upon him when he was taking a walk with his wife.


9.I'm focusing the lens.

focus the lens :对焦,调节焦距。 例:

Don't forget to focus the lens.


10.In another word,signal tower.

in another word :换句话说。 例:

In another word,the production and consumption of sports has become a rising industry.


凯旋门(法国) Triumphal Arch

大本钟(英国)Big Ben

好望角(南非)Cape of Good Hope

中央公园(美国)Central Park

凡尔赛宫(法国)Chateau de Versailles


富士山(日本)FuJi Mountain



自由女神像(美国)Statue of Liberty

埃菲尔铁塔(法国)Tour Eiffel

白宫(美国)White House

比萨斜塔(意大利)Leaning Tower of Pisa

巴黎圣母院(法国)Notre Dame de Paris

吉萨大金字塔(埃及)Pyramids of giza

悉尼歌剧院(澳大利亚)Sydney Opera House

八达岭(长城) Badaling


景山公园(北京)Coal Hill Park

洞庭湖(长沙)Dongting Lake


天安门Tian an Men

香山公园Fragrant Hill Park

神武门(故宫)Gate of godly Prowess

长城Great Wall

黄山(安徽)Huangshan Mountain

昆明湖(颐和园)Kunming Lake

太湖(无锡)Lake Taihu

万寿山(颐和园)Longevity Hill

峨眉山(四川)Emei Mountain

布达拉宫(西藏)Potala Palace

石林(云南)Stone forest

颐和园Summer Palace

十三陵(北京)The Ming Tombs

北海公园(北京)Beihai Park

“平湖秋月”(浙江杭州)“Autumn Moon on the Calm Lake”

毛主席纪念堂(北京)Chairman Mao's memorial Hall

中山陵(南京)Dr Sun yatsen's Mausoleum

敦煌莫高窟(甘肃)Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes

九寨沟(四川)Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve

人民大会堂(天安门)People's great Hall

旅行;游历 Journey






旅行社tourist agent/agency







帝国大厦Empire State Building



圣詹姆斯公园St.James Park

白金汉宫Buckingham Palace

海德公园Hyde Park

拍照take some shots




外滩the Bund





斜拉索桥suspension bridge

大英博物馆British Museum











1.May I have a free city (地图)?

2.How will you spend your(假期)?

3.Where should I(参观) in America?

4.(何时)are you going on your trip?

5.Let's stay here for a while and enjoy the(风景) here.

6.This is a(天堂)on earth.

7.I'd like a(导游).


1.A:What sights are there (1)(值得)seeing in Beijing?

B:A lot.Beijing is full of(2)(古代的) relics.

A:Can you recommend some to me? I've been longing to see them.

B:Of course,I can.I suggest you visit the(3)(长城) and Forbidden City first.There is a saying in China:“Unless you reach the Great Wall,you are not a true man.”

A:Thank you for your advice.I'll go to Great Wall tomorrow.

2.A:Can you tell me something about(1)(迪斯尼乐园)?

B:Sure.Are you going to take a trip?

A:Yes.I'll visit there with my friend for a few days.

B:I've been there only(2)(一次),but I'll tell you what I can remember.

A:When did you go there?

B:That's quite a few years ago.I stayed there for three day.

A:Did you see much?

B:No,I just(3)(参观)some important places.You can't see all of the amusement park in one day.

A:How big is the (4)(公园)?

B:About 180 acres.It has five main sections.

A:What did you enjoy most?

B:Jungle River Boat Safari,Sleeping Beauty Castle and Submarine Voyage,I think,are all fascinating.

A:It sounds like you had a wonderful time.

B:Yes,it was a happy and (5)(难忘的)experience for me.

3.A:Can I make a reservation for a(1)(观光)tour here?

B:Yes.Which tour would you like to take?

A:What kind of tour do you have?

B:We (2)(提供)many kinds of tours.

4.A:How will you spend your holiday?

B:I (1)(计划) to make a short journey along the Changjiang River.

A:Very nice.Do you have an(2)(行程表) for your trip?

B:No.I'll play it by ear when I get there.

A:Sometimes that's more fun.

B:I think so.

5.A:Hi,sir.Are you(1)(寻找) something?

B:I want to buy some chocolates as (2)(纪念品)?

A:They are right under your nose.

B:Oh,I didn't see them.Thank you very much.


A:Internet plays a very important role in modern life.A:因特网在现代生活中发挥非常重要的作用。B:I agree with you.Nowadays we learn on the Internet,work on the Internet and even love on the Internet.B:我赞成你的观点。如今我们在网上学习,在网上工作,甚至在网上恋爱。A:That's true.Do you often shop online?A:确实是这样。你常常在网上购物吗?B:No,never.B:不,我从不。A:Why?A:为什么?B:Because I think the traditional shopping is more interesting.At the same time,it is a healthy form of exercise.B:我认为传统的购物方式更有趣,同时,也是一种健康的运动方式。A:Maybe you are right.But I prefer to online shopping.A:或许你是对的。但我更喜欢网上购物。B:Why?B:为什么?A:Because it can save a lot of time.A:因为它可以节省很多时间。

A:What are you engaged in these days?A:你最近在忙什么?B:I am busy with my English listening.B:我在忙着练习我的英语听力。A:How is it going?A:进行得怎么样了?B:Not very well.It is said that there are many free websites for learning English.Do you know that?B:不是很好。我听说网上有很多学英语的免费网站。你知道吗?A:Yes.I often visit those websites.They are very useful.A:知道。我经常访问那些网站。它们非常有用。B:Can you introduce some to me?B:你能给我介绍一些吗?A:Let me see.You want to practice your listening.So you'd better choose kekenet.com.A:让我想想。你想练习听力。那你最好选择可可听力网。B:Thanks for your advice.B:谢谢你的建议。A:You are welcome!A:不客气。

A:I have applied for a homepage.A:我申请了个人主页。B:I have accessed it.I think it is fantastic.B:我去看过了。我认为它太棒了。A:Thank you for your compliment.A:谢谢你的赞赏。B:How many people visit your homepage everyday?B:每天有多少人访问你的主页?A:About 50.A:大约50人。B:How to guarantee that your homepage will have certain number of visitors?B:如何保证你的主页有一定的访问量呢?A:I update it every day.Besides,I add a free chatting room,a free message booklet and free advertisement link.A:我每天都更新它。此外,我添加了免费聊天室、免费留言板,以及免费广告链接。B:You are really good at it.Can you teach me to make a web page?B:你真的很在行。你能教我制作网页吗?A:It depends on how much you pay me.A:那要看你付我多少钱了?B:You are too astute.B:你太精明了。A:I'm joking! I am ready to teach you anytime.A:我开玩笑的。我随时都可以教你。B:Thank you.B:谢谢了。

A:Hi,Rose.Your bag is very beautiful.Where did you buy it?A:嗨,罗丝。你的包很漂亮。你在哪儿买的?B:I bought it on the Internet.B:我在网上买的。A:You mean online shopping?A:你指的是网上购物吗?B:Yes.B:是的。A:I have never tried that.I think it is not safe to enter my card details on the Internet.A:我从来没尝试过。我认为把银行卡资料填写在网上不安全。B:Actually,shopping online hasn't proved to be more dangerous than shopping at a mall.And I can't refuse the convenience of online shopping.B:事实上,网上购物并不比在商场购物更危险。并且我无法拒绝网上购物的便利。A:What do you mean?A:你指的是什么?B:With just a few clicks of your mouse,I can find and buy the product I want.It saves a lot of time.B:只要点几下鼠标,我就可以找到并买下我想要的商品。这节省了很多时间。A:How to do online shopping?A:怎样进行网上购物?B:You can get into shopping websites which provide you with the prices,pictures and detailed instructions when you choose goods.After you have made the decision,you may order according to the instructions.Then you can wait for goods to be delivered to your home.B:你可以进入购物网站,它们会在网上提供每种商品的价格、图片以及详细说明。顾客选好商品后,按其说明下订单,便可在家中等待送货上门。A:After hearing what you said,I also want to try.A:听了你说的这些,我也想试试。

A:My computer doesn't work at all!A:我的电脑彻底瘫痪了!B:What is wrong?B:怎么了?A:I have no idea.Its startup instructions don't work any more.A:我不清楚。电脑的启动指令不听使唤了。B:Maybe it is infected by boot and partition sector viruses.B:或许你的电脑感染上了引导和分区病毒。A:How do they infect my computer?A:病毒是如何侵入我的电脑的?B:They infect the system and remove the starting up instruction.B:它们感染了系统软件,撤换了你的电脑启动指令。A:How annoying!A:真可气!B:You should improve your computer security consciousness.Don't download software of dubious origin from the Internet.B:你应该提高计算机安全意识。不要从网上下载可疑的软件。A:I will be cautious next time.What should I do now?A:我下次会谨慎的。我现在该怎么办?B:You'd better get one of the IT guys to fix your computer.B:你最好找个技术人员来修电脑。A:You are right.A:说的对。

A:Excuse me,sir.I am making a survey of network games.Could you answer me some questions?A:你好,先生。我在进行一项关于网络游戏的调查。您能回答我几个问题吗?B:Okay.B:可以。A:How old are you?A:你几岁了?B:I'm 23.B: 23岁。A:Have you played online games?A:你玩过网络游戏吗?B:Course,I have.B:当然玩过。A:How often do you play online games?A:你多长时间玩一次网络游戏?B:Nearly every day.B:基本上每天都玩。A:Which is your favorite online game?A:你最喜欢的网络游戏是什么?B:CS.I think it is classic.B:反恐。我认为它是一个经典。A:Are you still playing it?A:你现在依旧在玩反恐吗?B:No.I play WOW recently.B:不,我最近在玩魔兽世界。A:Can you tell me some advantages of online games?A:你能告诉我一些网络游戏的好处吗?B:I think network games can make me smarter.B:我认为网络游戏能使我变得更聪明。A:Okay,thanks for your answers.A:好的,谢谢你的回答。B:Not at all.B:不客气。

A:Bob,do you know how to apply for a mailbox?A:鲍勃,你知道怎么申请电子邮箱吗?B:Yes.What is wrong?B:知道,怎么了?A:My brother wants to send me some pictures by Email.But I don't have an Email address.A:我哥哥要用电子邮件给我发一些图片,但我还没有电子邮件地址。B:Never mind.You can apply to a web site for a free mailbox.B:没关系, 你可以在网站上申请一个免费邮箱啊。A:Which web sites have this service?A:哪些网站提供这种服务?B:Many web sites,such as Yahoo,Hotmail and so on.They are very excellent.B:很多网站都有,像雅虎、Hotmail等都不错。A:Is it complicated to apply for a free mailbox?A:申请免费邮箱很复杂吗?B:No,all you need is to fill in a form and remember the user name and the password.B:不,只需要填个表格,然后记住用户名和密码就可以了。A:Do they work well?A:免费邮箱好用吗?B:Yes,of course.Those web sites offering free mailboxes have strong financial capacity.It isn't necessary for you to worry about the service at all.B:当然好用。提供免费邮箱的网站的经济实力都很强,你无需担心服务质量。A:I will apply for one as soon as I return home.Thanks for you help.A:我回家后马上申请一个。谢谢你的帮助。B:You are welcome.B:不客气。

A:What are you doing?A:你在做什么?B:I am reading other people's blog.B:我在读其他人的博客。A:Do you often read other people's blog?A:你经常阅读别人的博客吗?B:Yes.I think it is very interesting.B:是的,我认为很有趣。A:Whose blog do you often read?A:你经常读谁的博客?B:Kaifu Lee's.B:李开复的。A:Does he also write blog?A:连他也写博客?B:Yes,many famous people have their blogs,especially some stars.They consider it as a way of communication with their funs.B:是的,很多名人都有博客,尤其是一些明星。他们把博客看成和粉丝交流的一种方式。A:Wonderful! Then I can learn more about my favorite star.A:太好了。这样我就可以更了解我喜欢的明星了。B:I strongly recommend Kaifu Lee's blog.He gives many precious advices to students.You can learn a lot from him.B:我强烈推荐你李开复的博客,他给学生提了很多宝贵的意见。你可以从他身上学到很多东西。A:But I don't know their net addresses.A:但是我不知道他们的网址。B:Never mind.You can search on the Internet.B:没关系,你可以在网上搜索。

A:What is QQ?A:什么是QQ?B:QQ is a kind of free chat software.It is a product of Tencent Company.B:QQ是一种免费聊天软件,是腾讯公司的产品。A:That is really what I need.Where can I get it?A:那正是我所需要的。我在哪儿能得到它?B:You can download it from www.qq.com.B:你可以从www.qq.com下载。A:I see.A:我明白了。B:You should apply for a QQ number first.B:你首先应该申请一个QQ号。A:Is it easy to apply for it?A:申请它简单吗?B:Not difficult.B:不难。A:Great.A:太好了。B:After you get a QQ number,you can add my QQ number to your buddy list.Then we can chat online.B:你申请到QQ号后,你可以把我的QQ号加到你的好友列表里,这样我们就可以在网上聊天了。A:That‘s great.What is your QQ number?A:太棒了。你的QQ号是多少?B:It is 78217068.B:是78217068.A:I got it.Thanks for your help.A:我记住了。谢谢你的帮助。B:You are welcome.B:不客气。

1.Internet plays a very important role in modern life.

plays a very important role in :发挥重要的作用。 例:

Radar plays a very important role in ECM.


2.What are you engaged in these days?

engaged in :使从事于,使忙于。 例:

He is engaged in scientific research.


3.Thank you for your compliment.

compliment :赞美,恭维。 例:

He addressed her with high compliment.


4.I update it every day.

update :更新,补充最新资料。 例:

The feedback from the computer enables us to update the program.


The data should be updated once a week.


5.I am making a survey of network games.

make a survey :做调查。 例:

I want to make a survey of colors.


6.Many web sites,such as Yahoo,Hotmail and so on.

and so on :等等。 例:

We study Politics,Chinese,English and so on.


7.After you get a QQ number,you can add my QQ number to your buddy list.

buddy list :好友名单。 例:

As I added more and more people to my "buddy list",others were doing the same.






从事engage in









聊天室chatting room

留言板message booklet

广告链接advertisement link

网上购物online shopping





















即信息技术IT(Information Technology的简称)



网络游戏network game

在线游戏online game






电子邮件地址Email address




网上聊天chat online

好友名单buddy list

QQ号QQ number


电子书E book

电子卡片E card





电子商务E commerce


盗版pirated illegally




1.The society can't do without the (因特网).

2.A (网站)of one's own is a goal of many surfers.

3.One of the most popular things to do online is to (下载)software.

4.I want to download an (电子书)from the Internet.

5.Do you know how to make a(网页)?

6.I have applied for a (主页).

7.(网上购物) is becoming more and more popular.

8.It is often reported that (黑客) attack the web.

9.Hacking is a big threat to the (安全)of Ecommerce.

10.Viruses present a special(威胁)to networks.

11.Many (病毒)have spread through piratedillegally copiedgames.

12.Various (网络游戏)emerge in an endless stream.

13.It is very convenient to send(电子邮件).

14.A (博客) gives you your own voice on the web.

15.Most (网民) have the experience of chatting online.


1.A:Hi,Bob.How are you?

B:Pretty good.What about you?

A:I am not very well.

B:What's wrong?

A:I have a problem.I need to finish my essay this week.But I haven't found enough reference materials.

B:Have you tried to (1)(搜索) on the Internet?

A:No,I haven't.I think it's not (2)(便捷的) to read on the Internet.

B:You can (3)(下载) the files you need to your computer.

A:Really? Is that free?

B:Yes,most of them are completely free.

A:Great! Thanks for your advice.

B:Not at all.

2.A:What do you often do online?

B:I often download things from the web.

A:What can you download?

B:Numerous things such as (1)(软件),music and movies.

A:Is downloading a legal act?

B:Yes.Downloading is not stealing.Most(2)(在线) systems exist to give you files.

A:I want to download a (3)(电影) from the Internet.Can you teach me how to do it?

B:Ok.I advise you to download special download software first,for example,Xunlei.

A:What is next?

B:Then you can search for the movie you want on some free download websites.

A:Thanks for your help.I will try.

B:Good luck!

3.A:Good morning,Linda.

B:Good morning,Lily.

A:It is said that (1)(电子邮件) has become popular and many individuals are including their Email addresses on their business cards.

B:That's true.It has many (2)(优点) than the common post.

A:Can you tell me its advantages?

B:It is very fast.Maybe you can receive it from thousand miles away in several minutes.

A:That's amazing!

B:And the charge is less.

A:That means I can save a lot.

B:Of course.It not only can send characters,but also (3)(音乐),pictures and so on.


B:Yes.Once you try it,you will love it.

A:I can't wait to try.

4.A:Lily's birthday is coming.Have you prepared a birthday (1)(卡片) for her?

B:Not yet.I've prepared something special for her.

A:What is it?


A:It sounds fresh.What is Ecard?

B:It is a kind of digital product.It's beautiful and fashionable.Thanks to the Ecommerce for offering this service.

A:Could you tell me more about Ecommerce?

B:Sure.Ecommerce is to use the Internet for business purpose.

A:I am still a little confused.

B:Never mind.Let's go to my house.I will show you more about(3)(电子商务) on my computer.

A:OK.Let's go.

5.A:Come here,Tony.

B:What's up?

A:I want to show you my first(1)(网页).It took me an hour to make it.

B:Let me have a look.

A:What do you think of it?

B:Frankly speaking,the background is a little boring.

A:How can I revise it?

B:I think you can add some cute pictures.

A:That is a good idea.Anything else?

B:Why don't you add a free (2)(留言板)? Then you may hear more advices.

A:You are right.I will do it now.


A:Fay,You are looking pretty well.How do you keep in shape?A:费伊,你看上去很好。你是怎么保持体型的?B:Oh,I work out from time to time.B:嗯,我经常出去锻炼。A:What sort of thing do you do?A:你进行什么运动?B:I jog.It does me a lot of good.B:慢跑。这使我获益匪浅。A:How long have you been practising?A:你锻炼了多长时间了?B:For five months.B:五个月了。A:Do you jog every day?A:每天都跑吗?B:Yes,except Sunday.Sunday is my free day.B:是的,除周日外每天都跑。周日我休息。A:Do you do it in the morning or in the afternoon?A:你是在早晨还是下午运动?B:Either before or after work.B:在上班前或下班后。A:Good habit.How far each time?A:好习惯。每次跑多远?B:A few kilometers.B:几千米。A:That's enough.A:足够了。

A:Daniel,would you like to play basketball with me?A:丹尼尔,你想跟我一起打篮球吗?B:Sure.Why not? B:好啊,有何不可?A:I'm not very good at it,though,you know.A:不过,我打得不太好,你知道的。B:That's ok.I stink,too.Let's play just for fun.Don't take it too seriously.B:没关系,我也打得很烂。我们打着玩就好了,不要太认真喔。A:All right.Well,do you want the ball first?A:没问题。你要不要先攻?B:No.Let's shoot for it.Whoever makes the first basket gets the ball.B:不要。我们就用投篮来决定。先投进的人先攻。A:Agreed.I shoot first.Here we go…A:好。我先投。投出去了……B:Wow! It's a threepoint shot! You rock!B:哇!三分球耶!你真厉害!A:Thank you.Your turn.Ah…You shot an air ball.A:谢谢,轮到你了。啊……你投了一个篮外大空心球。B:I missed it.Your ball.OK.Let's play.B:没投进。你发球。好,我们开始打吧。A:Sure,my ball…Wow…The ball is out.I can't believe it!A:好,我先攻。哇……球出界了。真不敢相信!

A:Christine,what's your favorite sport?A:克里斯汀,你最喜欢的运动是什么?B:Skating.B:滑冰。A:Can you skate well?A:你滑得很好吗?B:I'm not so good,but I know the basic principles of skating.B:我不是很在行,不过我知道滑冰的基本要领。A:When did you start skating?A:你何时开始滑冰的?B:I started when I was 8.B:8岁时。A:Who taught you to skate?A:谁教你滑冰的?B:Oh,it's my older brother.B:哦,是我哥哥。A:Can you figure skate?A:你会花样滑冰吗?B:Oh,I am far from being that good.I can only do a few turns,that's all.B:哦!我差得远呢。我只会转几个圈而已。

A:Alan,what's your favorite sport?A:艾伦,你最喜欢的运动是什么?B:Of course,soccer.B:当然是足球。A:Same here.Who is your favorite player?A:我也是。谁是你最喜欢的球员?B:Nick Smith is one of my favorite players.I think he is the best striker in the league.B:尼克·史密斯是我最喜欢的球员之一。我认为他是联盟中最好的前锋。A:I think he is overrated.A:我认为他被高估了。B:Did you see him against the Raiders this weekend?He scored a hat trick in the second half.B:你有没有看他这个周末与突击者队的比赛?他在下半场上演了帽子戏法。A:I saw it.He had one nice goal.He didn't deserve the penalty.And the final equalizing goal was just lucky.A:我看了。他有一球进得不错,但是他不该获得那次罚球,而最后追平的那一球,纯粹是幸运。B:You must be a Raiders fan.B:你一定是突击者队的球迷。A:I just think Smith gets too much credit.Humberto Limon is always setting him up with beautiful passes out of the midfield,but nobody ever talks about him.A:我只是觉得史密斯被过度吹捧了。温贝托·利蒙一直在中场以漂亮的传球帮他制造机会,但从没有人提到他。B:I like Limon,too.B:我也喜欢利蒙。A:He's a better player than Smith.A:他比史密斯更优秀。B:I think they play well together.B:我认为他们俩人合作得很好。A:Without Limon,Smith would be lucky to score two goals a year.A:没有利蒙,史密斯一年能踢进两个球就算幸运了。B:You're right.Limon's a great player.B:你说得对。利蒙是个了不起的球员。

A:Good morning,Linda.You're an early bird!A:早上好,琳达,你起得早啊!B:Good morning,Vivian.You're also early.People often say that morning is the best time of a day for physical exercises.B:早上好,维维安,你也挺早的。人们常说锻炼身体的最佳时间是早晨。A:Yes.I've been in the habit of getting up early and taking exercises in the morning.A:对,我已养成早起和晨练的习惯了。B:Oh,the Spring Track and Field Meet will be held a month from now.Have you entered for any events?B:啊,还有一个月就要开田径运动会了,你报了什么项目吗?A:Yes,broad jump and disc throwing.I'm good at them.The school records of these two games were set up by me last year.I hope I can break them this time.What about you? I know you're good at running.A:报了跳远和扔铁饼,这是我的强项。我去年创了这两项的学校纪录,希望这次能破纪录。你呢?我知道你擅长跑步。B:Yes,I like running.I've signed up for 100meter dash and 800meter race.Besides,I'm asked to run in the 400meter relay.I have planned to take part in the 3,000meter longdistance run as I have good endurance,you know.But there's a limit to the number of games one can sign up for,so I have to give it up.B:没错,我喜欢跑步。我报了100米和800米,除了这些,我还要跑400米接力。我原来还打算参加3 000米长跑,你知道我耐力很好,但每个人只限报几个项目,所以我不得不放弃了。A:What a pity!but I'm sure you'll win honors for your class in the above games as well.A:真遗憾!不过我相信就凭你上面报的那些项目,你也能为你们班争荣誉的。B:I'm not so sure myself.My records of these games have never been very good.What's more,I haven't done enough practice for them.B:我自己倒不大敢保证。上面报的几项,我的成绩从没好过。而且,我也没做充分的训练和准备。A:But I think if we practise hard in the following few weeks,we can expect to do better.A:不过我想我们如果能在以后几个星期里好好训练,就有望取得较好的成绩。B:Thank you for your encouragement.No matter what the results will be,I'll do my best.By the way,aren't you on your class tugofwar team?B:谢谢你的鼓励。不管结果怎样,我都会尽力的。对了,你不是你们班拔河队的吗?A:No,not really.A:不,不是。B:Why?B:为什么?A:You see,I was asked to be the cheer leader.A:你知道,大家要我当拉拉队队长。B:Oh,it's also very important.Nobody can do better than you at this.B:啊,这也很重要的。在这方面没人能比得过你。A:Thank you.A:谢谢你。

A:According to the weather forecast,it will be a nice day tomorrow.Let's go hiking.A:天气预报说明天是个好天气,我们一起去爬山吧。B:That's great.I'd love to.But,wait a minute.Do you mind if I take my girl friend Emma with me?B:太好了。我很想去。但是,等一下,我带我的女朋友埃玛一起去,你不会介意吧?A:Of course not.The more people,the more fun we will have.A:当然不啦。人越多越有意思嘛。B:When shall we meet?B:我们什么时候见?A:I will get you tomorrow morning at 5.A:明天一早 5点钟我去找你。B:Good.B:好。A:Remember to take all the necessities.A:记着带好一切必需品。B:I won't forget.See you tomorrow.B:我不会忘记的。明天见。A:See you.A:明天见。

A:Amanda,I heard you are good at swi

mming.You are called “princess of water” by your friends.A:阿曼达,我听说你擅长游泳,朋友们都叫你“水上公主”。B:Thank you for your compliment.I love swimming.It has been an important part of my life.B:谢谢你的夸奖。我爱游泳,它已经成为我生活中重要的一部分了。A:When did you start swimming?A:你何时开始游泳的?B:I started when I was four years old.B:4岁时开始的。A:So early.It is said that there are many kinds of swimming.What are they?A:这么早。据说游泳有很多种,都有什么?B:There are breaststroke,back stroke,

side stroke and butterfly stroke.B:有蛙泳、仰泳、侧泳和蝶泳。A:Are you good at all of them?A:这些你都擅长吗?B:No.I'm only good at butterfly stroke.B:不,我只擅长蝶泳。

1.I work out from time to time.

work out :锻炼身体。 例:

I work out regulary to keep fit.


2.I stink,too.

stink :糟透,招人厌恶。

This job stinks: stupid boss,hard work,and low pay.


3.Don't take it too seriously.

take it seriously :当真。 例:

Don't take it seriously—he's only teasing.


4.It's a threepoint shot!

threepoint shot :三分球。 例:

I was shocked by his threepoint shot.


5.Can you figure skate?

figure skate :花样滑冰。是滑冰的一种。而“roller skating”指的是“滑旱冰”。例:

She is proficient at /in figure skating.



7.“hat trick”含意是“帽子戏法”。指球员在一场比赛中射进三球。

8.“to set(someone)up”意思是“替(某人)作球”。有“助功”的意思。

9.No matter what the results will be,I'll do my best.

do my best :尽力而为。 例:

I can't promise,but I'll do my best.


10.I was asked to be the cheer leader.

cheer leader :啦啦队长。 例:

She is proud of being a cheer leader.


11.“go hiking”意为“爬山”。“go+doing” 是一种常见的表达方法,翻译的时候把后一个动词的意思翻出即可,与此短语同样形式的还有 “go shopping,go boating,go swimming,go climbing,go skiing,go skating,go jogging” 等运动词汇。


游泳池swimming pool


跳台diving platform

10米跳台ten meter platform

1米跳板one meter springboard

跳水池diving pool

出发起跳starting dive

泳道swimming lane



仰泳back stroke

蝶泳butterfly stroke

潜泳underwater swimming

水球water polo

水橇water skiing












冰球ice hockey


中线发球centre kick

球门发球goal kick

边线发球throw in,lineout

混合双打in the mixed doubles

体育项目Individual Sports


单杠horizontal bar

双杠parallel bars







滑冰ice skating

花样滑冰figure skating

滑旱冰roller skating



中长跑middle distance race

长跑运动员long distance runner

400米栏the 400 meter hurdles



跳高high jump

三级跳triple jump,hop step and jump

撑竿跳pole vault




短球short shot



平击球flat stroke

平抽球flat drive

中点centre mark




中场 midfield





右后卫right back

中卫centre half back

前卫half back

左前卫left half back

右前卫right half back


中锋centre forward,centre

左内锋inside left forward,inside left

右内锋inside right forward,inside right

左边锋outside left forward,outside left

右边锋outside right forward,outside right

远射long drive


传球to pass the ball

接球to take a pass

摆脱to break loose

控制中场to control the midfield

破坏防守to disorganize the defence

拖延战术time wasting tactics

四后卫制four backs system

红牌(表示判罚出场)red card

黄牌(表示警告)yellow card





纪录创造者record holder

冬季奥林匹克运动会Winter Olympics






双方犯规double foul

运球 dribble

罚球free throw

投篮 goal












side stroke侧泳

back stroke仰泳


1.A:Have you ever played (1)(网球)?

B:Yes,but I don't play it often.

A:Are you free tonight?

B:Yes.What's the matter?

A:Shall we go and watch the tennis game?

B:Ok.Which players are playing?

A:Black against Clark.

B:Good.It must be a wonderful (2)(比赛).

A:I think so.

2.A:Tom,what's your favorite sport?

B:It's hard to say.I like(1)(篮球) a lot,but I guess I like tennis better.

A:Are you good at it?

B:Yes,quite good.How about a game sometime?

A:Sorry,I just like to watch almost all kinds of ball games—football,baseball, basketball,golf…

B:You mean you never do anything yourself?

A:Well,I only like to do some jogging in the fresh morning air.

B:Ah,you are an early bird then!

A:What would you say is the most popular (2)(运动) in your country,Mr.Li?

B:Table tennis,I suppose.That's almost our national game.People from all works play it.

A:I can't believe that.One good thing about ping pong is that it doesn't need much space.You can play it practically anywhere.How good are you at it,Mr.Li?

B:Not very good,I'm afraid,but I do play it a lot.Do you play,by any chance?


B:Then why don't we fix a date for a game one of these days?

3.A:When did you start (1)(高尔夫)?

B:I picked up golf a couple of years ago.How about you?

A:I've been golfing since 6th grade.

B:Wow! No wonder you're so (2)(擅长) it.

4.A:Hi.You look hot and tired.Have you been running?

B:We just had a (1)(乒乓球) match with Class Two.

A:Who won the game?

B:They did—three to two.But they just barely beat us in the very last game.

A:Oh? What was the (2)(比分)?

B:Twentytwo to twenty.We lost by just two points.

A:Too bad.But never mind.Maybe you'll beat them next time.

5.A:Where are you going?

B:I am going to see the (1)(棒球)game between our class and class 4.

A:Where will it be played?

B:It will be played on the baseball field.

A:Your class has a good pitcher while class 4 is proud of its excellent batters.

B:What time will the match be played?

A:10 minutes later.

B:Let's (2)(赶快).


A:What are you going to do this evening?A:你今晚打算做什么?B:It's still undecided.Do you have any idea?B:还没决定。你有什么想法?A:What about going to see a movie?A:去看电影怎么样?B:Sounds like a good idea.What's playing these days?B:听起来是个好主意。这段日子在演什么电影?A:I've heard that an American movie called “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” is really good.A:听说有一部美国电影叫《返老还童》拍得不错。B:Ok,I'll get off at 6 p.m.,so let's meet in front of the cinema at 7p.m..B:好,那我晚上6点出发,7点在电影院见面吧。

A:Your older brother is a little strange,I think.A:我觉得你哥哥有点怪。B:Steve? You think he's strange? Why?B:史蒂夫?你觉得他怪?为什么?A:He wanted me to come over and watch "Star Trek" with him.A:他想找我来和他一起看《星际迷航记》。B:Oh,that.He's a Trekkie.You shouldn't be surprised.B:喔,那个啊!他是"星舰迷",别大惊小怪。A:He's a what?A:他是什么?B:A Trekkie.He's a serious "Star Trek" fan.So he has all the episodes on tape.And he has a "Star Trek" website on the Internet.B:"星舰迷"。他是《星际迷航记》的电影迷。他拥有所有影集的录影带,他还有《星际迷航记》的网站。A:He even has a website? For “Star Trek”?A:他还有网站啊?《星际迷航记》 的吗?B:Yes,he's a serious fan.B:是的,他很迷的。A:I don't understand it,though.He's 25 years old.Isn't it kind of immature to be serious about a science fiction show?A:我还是不明白。他 25 岁了,还对科幻片这么着迷,不是很幼稚吗?B:Don't you have Trekkies in China?B:中国没有星舰迷吗?A:I don't think so.Maybe some kids.But your brother is an adult.And he works for an accounting firm.Why should he like “Star Trek” so much?A:没有吧!有些小孩子可能是,但是你哥哥是成人啊。而且他在会计公司上班,为什么他这么迷《星际迷航记》?B:It's just a kind of hobby.Some American adults are like that.They have some show they like,and they know every episode.Some of them even start to collect memorabilia.B:这是一种嗜好罢了。有些美国成人也是如此。他们有自己喜欢的节目,也知道每一集的内容。有些人甚至开始收集纪念品。A:Memorabilia? What's that?A:纪念品?那是什么?B:They collect all the posters,or dolls,or stickers,or anything that comes out from the show.B:他们收集海报、玩偶、尖刀,还有电影里面出现的任何东西。A:And your brother is like that too?A:你哥哥也像他们那样?B:Oh,sure.Go in his basement some time.You will see the walls are all covered with “Star Trek” stuff.B:对啊。有空去他的地下室看看。你可以看到墙上到处都是《星际迷航记》里的东西。A:That's too strange! Doesn't he have trouble finding a girlfriend?A:太奇怪了!他这样找女朋友会有麻烦吗?B:Maybe a little.It's true some Americans agree with you.They think it's too immature.B:也许有一点,有些美国人跟你一样,认为他太不成熟了。A:I like "Star Trek" sometimes too.I liked the movie.But I don't think of it seriously.It's just for fun.A:我也喜欢《星舰迷航记》那部电影。但是我没那么疯狂,纯粹为了好玩。B:He does it for fun too.Don't worry.He's not a maniac.He just does it for fun.B:他也是为了好玩而已,别担心,他不是狂热者,只是好玩罢了。

A: Did you see the new Nicolas Cage movie?A:你看过尼古拉斯·凯奇的新电影吗?B: Which one?B: 哪一部?A: “Snake Eyes”.I just saw it last night with my friend May.A:《蛇眼》。昨晚我和我的朋友梅去看了。B: No,I haven't seen it yet.But I saw “Con Air”.I thought that was good.B: 我还没去看,不过我看过《空中监狱》,觉得不错。A: I think Nicolas Cage is great.A:我觉得尼古拉斯·凯奇很棒。B: Really? Why? He isn't very handsome.B: 真的吗?为什么?他又不是很帅。A: No,but he's got character.He can act with a lot of depth.A:不过他很有个性,演得很有深度。B: It's interesting you like him so much.Usually I think women don't like him.They like more handsome actors.B: 你这么喜欢他,实在是太有趣了。我觉得通常女生不喜欢他,他们喜欢帅的男演员。A: That's not always true.But I like some very handsome actors.Like Alec Baldwin.But I don't like an actor just because he is handsome.A:不全是如此。我也喜欢一些非常帅的演员,像是亚历·鲍德温。不过我不会只是因为一个男演员帅就喜欢他。B: Do you like Keanu Reeves?B: 你喜欢基努·李维斯吗?A: No,not at all.A:一点都不喜欢。B: Why not?B: 为什么?A: I just think he is a bad person.He seems very arrogant.A:我觉得他是个坏人,他看上去很自大。B: Maybe it's the characters he plays.Maybe in real life he's a good guy.B: 那也许是戏中人物的个性吧,现实生活中的他可能是个好人。A: No,I think an actor often plays characters that match his real personality.They are naturally better at such characters.And I can sense something about Keanu Reeves.I don't like it.He seems like a jerk.A:不,我认为演员演的角色常常和他本人的个性应该差不多。这样演起来比较像。从基努·李维斯饰演的角色里我能感觉到一些我不喜欢的东西,他看起来像痞子。B: Hmm.Maybe.So who is your favorite then?B:唔,也许吧。那么你最喜欢的演员是谁?A: Nicolas Cage.A:尼古拉斯·凯奇。B: I used to like Nicolas Cage more than I do now.He used to play more interesting roles.B:我以前比现在更喜欢尼古拉斯·凯奇。他以前演的角色都比较有趣。A: What do you mean? What movies?A:怎么说呢?哪部电影?B: Oh,my favorite Nicolas Cage movie was “Wild at Heart”.He was perfect for that role.B:噢,我最喜欢的尼古拉斯·凯奇的电影,就是那部《我心狂野》。他演得太棒了。A: I saw "Wild at Heart".It was disgusting.I almost couldn't watch it.A:我看过《我心狂野》,好恶心喔,我几乎看不下去。B:It was a kind of movie that they call black humor.B:那是他们所说的黑色幽默。A: Yes,I know.Black humor is humor with a lot of violence or horrible things in it.I don't like black humor.A:是的,我知道。黑色幽默充满暴力与恐怖。我不喜欢黑色幽默。B: What about "Raising Arizona"? Did you see that?B:那么《抚养亚历桑纳》呢?你看过吗?A: No.A:没有。B: You must see it.To me,that is the classic Nicolas Cage movie.He is perfect for it.B:你一定要看。我觉得那是尼古拉斯·凯奇的经典之作,他演得很棒。A: I like his new movies.A:我喜欢他的新电影。B: Well,I know he is more popular since he started doing action movies.But I always think he should be a comic actor.That is what he does best.B:A:I feel like doing something tonight.How about going to a movie?A:今晚我特想干点什么。去看场电影怎么样?B:That's a good idea.What's on tonight?B:好主意,今晚上演什么片子?A:Which do you prefer,Chinese pictures or foreign ones?A:你喜欢哪一类的片子,国产的还是进口的?B:I'm a movie fan.But I prefer foreign films,especially literary films such as "Gone with the wind","The Red and Black"etc.B:我是个电影迷。我更喜欢外国影片,尤其像《飘》、《红与黑》这样的文艺片。A:They are old but wonderful films.I like them,too.A:这些都是精彩的老片子,我也喜欢。B:What do you think of the actress and actor in the film of "Gone with the Wind"?B:你认为影片《飘》中男女主角怎么样?A:What an excellent pair!A:真是天造地设的一对。B:Yes.I think so.Shall we go to see"Blue Horizons"?I heard it was a good movie and we shouldn't miss it.B:是的,我也这样认为。我们去看看《蓝色区域》怎么样?听说是部好片子,我们可不要错过了。A:Is it played by excellent actors?A:是优秀演员担任角色吗?B:Yeah,it is.B:是的。A:Wonderful!It must be worth seeing.A:太棒了。一定值得一看。B:It's certain.Let's go.B:那当然,走吧!

A:What did yo do last night?A:你昨天晚上干什么了?B:I listened to music all the time after finishing my homework.B:做完家庭作业后,我一直在听音乐。A:Do you like music a lot?A:你很喜欢音乐吗?B:Yes,of course.I can't live without music.B:是的,当然。我的生活不能没有音乐。A:What's your favorite kind of music?A:你最喜欢哪种音乐?B:Rock music.B:摇滚乐。A:What about the pop music?A:流行乐呢?B:I used to listen to pop,but now I prefer rock.You know pop is always about love stories,grils or boys,men and women and so forth.I am tired of it.But rock focuses more on individuals and some social problems.And the lyrics of some rock songs are very thoughtful.B:我过去常听流行音乐,但现在更喜欢摇滚。你知道流行乐总是关于爱情、男生女生、男人和女人之类的内容。我对这些感到厌烦了。但是摇滚乐更多地关注个人和一些社会问题。而且一些摇滚歌曲的歌词非常有思想。A:I partly agree with you.I listen to different kinds of music.I think every kind of music should be respected and each kind has its merits.The important thing is the music itself not what kind it is.Everyone has the right to choose the music they like.A:我同意你部分观点。我听各种不同的音乐。我认为每一种音乐都值得尊重,都有各自的价值。最重要的是音乐本身而不是它属于哪种类型。每个人都有选择自己喜欢的音乐的权利。B:Right.Do you play any instruments?B:是的。你会演奏乐器吗?A:I'm good at playing bass.A:我贝司弹得不错。B:Really?Cool!If I have a chance,I will surely enjoy it.B:真的吗?真酷!如果有机会,我一定要欣赏一下。

A:Harry.Do you have any taste for pop music?A:哈利,你喜欢流行音乐吗?B:No,not really,but I like classical music.B:不喜欢。我喜欢古典音乐。A:What? Nowadays few young people have a delicate ear for classical music.A:什么?现在的年轻人可没几个欣赏古典音乐的了。B:That's true.And that why I'm different.B:这倒是真的。这就是我的不同之处。A:You always want to be different.How about rock and roll?A:你总是想与众不同。摇滚怎么样?B:I cannot bear rock music.It's too loud.B:简直受不了。太吵了。A:But it's so exciting and thrilling.And classical music sounds out of fashion.A:但是它能令人兴奋,使人激动啊。而古典音乐就有点过时了。B:I do not want to jump on the bandwagon.B:我可不想赶潮流。

A:What do you think of tonight's vocal concert?A:你认为今晚的演唱会怎么样?B:It was great.I like it very much.B:非常好,我很喜欢。A:I agree with you.I loved the popular band from South Koreaparticular.A:我很赞同。我特别喜欢从韩国来的那支乐队。B:Super Junior was my favorite.B:SJ才是我的最爱。A:Really?A:是吗?B:Didn't I tell you before?B:我以前没对你说过吗?A:Nope.Why those boys?A:没错。为什么喜欢他们?B:They are so cool and their dancing is fantastic.B:他们很酷,舞跳得很好。

1.It's still undecided.

It's still undecided : 还没决定。例:

It's still undecided about going to America.


2.Isn't it kind of immature to be serious about a science fiction show?

science fiction :科幻,科幻小说。 例:

Asteroid has become commonplace to the readers of interstellar travel stories in science fiction magazines.


3.They have some show they like,and they know every episode.Some of them even start to collect memorabilia.

memorabilia :纪念品,值得纪念的事物。例:

An auction of shipwreck memorabilia in New York will feature the largest ever sale of relics from the Titanic.


4.It was a kind of movie that they call black humor.

black humor :黑色幽默 (20世纪60年代美国新兴的一个文学流派)。 例:

She took up black humor for just one of her novels.


5.“I'm tired of it.”意为“我对它感到厌倦了”。

“tired”为形容词,意思是“疲惫的、疲倦的”。“be tired of”“对……感到厌倦”。除此之外,对某人或某事物表示厌倦、厌烦还可以说“be sick of”。

6.But rock focuses more on individuals.

“individual”作名词意思是“个人、个体”。例如,“individual economy”(个体经济),“the rights of the individual”(个人权利)。“individual”还可以用作形容词,意思是“个别的、单独的、个人的”。例如:individual desk(单人课桌),individual style (独特的风格)。

7.What do you thik of tonight's vocal concert?

“think of”意思是“思考,考虑”。在“think”和“of”之间可以添加副词,表示其他含义,例如:think much of(看重),think little of(瞧不起,轻视),think nothing of(没什么大不了的、轻视),think highly of(器重),think well of(重视),think poorly of(看轻)。

8.What do you think of tonight's vocal concert?

“vocal concert”意思是“演唱会”,“concert”是“音乐会”的意思,如:There is a wonderful concert tonight.(今晚有一场精彩的演唱会。)









黑色幽默black humor

动作片action movie


电影票房box office






影评film critic


恐怖片horrow movie

演员阵容main cast

影迷movie fan

即将上映的影片new release


科幻片science fiction


电影主题曲theme song





























没有感觉without feeling

流行音乐pop music

不悦耳的hard on the ears

拉丁音乐latin music

音阶musical number

乐团musical troupe

音乐复兴musical revivals


柔和的摇滚soft rock

戏剧团theatrical company

高音be top notch

古典摇滚classic rock

古典音乐classical music

朋克摇滚punk rock

家族音乐house music

重金属heavy metal

节奏感很强have a great beat

无活力的without pizazz


1.Nicolas Cage is my favorite (演员).

2.I hate (恐怖电影).

3.I like (科幻片).

4.What is this(电影) about?

5.How did you like the (表演)?

6.What kind of (音乐) do you like?

7.I like (流行的) music.

8.Did you enjoy the (演唱会)?二、请完成下列对话:

1.A:We're going to see “Spider Man Ⅲ”.Do you want to come along?

B:No,thanks.I don't like that (1)(类型) of movie.

A:What type do you like?

B:I like romantic comedies.

A:I hate (2)(科幻)films.


2.A:What are you going to do tonight?

B:Do you have any suggestion?

A:Why don't we go to see a movie?

B:That's a good idea.What's (1)(放映)now?

A:“The Brave Heart”.

B:What is it about?

A:It shows us the life story of a Scottish hero,William Wallace.

B:I know absolutely nothing (2)(关于) Scotland.I guess I'll find it difficult to understand.

A:Don't worry about it.I happen to read a lot about Scotland.I'd like to help you.

B:How wonderful! Thank you.

A:It's my pleasure.

3.A:There's a (1)(音乐会) at the Beijing Concert Hall this evening.Would you like to go?

B:I'd like to very much,but is it easy to get the (2)(票) ?

A:I've got two tickets reserved.It starts at six.

B:Then how shall we get there?

A:You just wait in your place.I'll come and pick you up at half past five.

B:Thank you for inviting me.I'll be expecting you.

4.A:Which do you like better,(1)(古典的)music or popular music?

B:I like classical music better.

A:I hear you are very good at the piano.

B:Oh! I can play the piano a little.

A:Won't you go to the concert with me this evening,if you are not busy?

B:OK.Is there a ticket for the concert performance tonight?

A:I have two complimentary tickets.

B:Where is the concert this evening?

A:The concert will be held at the Culture Center.

B:Who is conducting the orchestra tonight?

A:Mr.Smith.He is one of the best (2)(管弦乐队)in the United States.His performance is wonderful and he often plays on the television.

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