他,是万人之上的摄政王!她,是丞相的嫡女!他,高冷至极,唯独对王妃宠入骨!她,沉着冷静,唯独在王爷前似孩童!“不好了!王爷!王妃把四公主打了!”有人通报道。谁知摄政王连头都不抬一下,直接说:“让她打!旁人不得阻拦!”“不好了!王爷!王妃把苏王府拆了!”又有人说。“带帮人陪着王妃一起拆!”“不好了!王爷!王妃与司徒公子离京了!”这摄政王哪还坐的住!直接用轻功飞出王府!Terror Tunnels
At a time when Israel is under persistent attack—on the battlefield, by international organizations, and in the court of public opinion—Alan Dershowitz presents a powerful case for Israel's just war against terrorism.In the spirit of his international bestseller The Case for Israel, Dershowitz shows why Israel's struggle against Hamas is a fight not only to protect its own citizens, but for all democracies. The nation-state of the Jewish people is providing a model for all who are threatened by terrorist groups—such as ISIS, al-Qaeda and Boko Haram.Having himself been in one of the Hamas terror tunnels, Dershowitz explains why Israel had no choice but to send in ground troops to protect its civilians against Hamas death squads.嫡女狂妃:极品宝贝无赖娘