人类联合舰队与暗黑深渊之间的战争以人类的胜利告终,人类舰队主力与巡逻者武装的星尘舰队对暗黑深渊残余势力穷追不舍。坚盾帝国首脑皮克斯趁虚发难,暗算盟友,篡夺了联合舰队的最高权力,觊觎银河之心,欲建银河帝国。旦素一率领残存的巡逻者武装,奋力抵抗皮克斯,急报银河之心。在猎户座旋臂上,主人公李约素意外发现功勋战舰“重装甲号”居然重生,而已成为传奇的古力特将军竟然还活着,但他已经成了暗黑深渊的傀儡,正准备孤注一掷远征银河之心。神秘的埃博之子运筹帷幄,指挥佳上率机器舰队东征西讨,紧盯银河之心。银河之心成了各方力量汇聚的终点,星海逐鹿,决战银心!一段超过一万光年的时空跳跃,迎来一个完全出乎意料的结局……After Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Jim Williams had it all: style, culture, charisma, and sophistication. As a premier antiques dealer in Savannah, he mingled with celebrities, including Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and the Rockefellers, who came to admire his extraordinary treasures. His legacy thrust Savannah into the national spotlight and transformed the genteel city into a tourist mecca.But three decades of hard work came crashing down the night he shot Danny Hansford, his wild young lover. Jim Williams stood trial four times over the next decade for premeditated murder.