俗话说“雷不劈好人。”下面这位人物不知道算不算是特殊的。女大学生林晓舞为赴帅哥约会,顶着下雨之天出去了,本想来个浪漫的约会,可惜老天不给面子,惊雷一声,我们还没来得及和帅哥好好说句话的林晓舞,竟然被雷给华丽丽的劈死了,醒来后,发现自己重生于一个未知的时空。而且自己还变成了一个婴儿,林晓舞很是郁闷,自己可是绝对的乖宝宝,怎么会遭雷劈?怎么会呢?好吧,有时候是有点小坏,呜呜......可是也不至于遭雷劈吧,我不就是花痴一点吗?我不就是没事整整我那个后妈吗?我不就是逃逃课吗?我不就是看不过眼的时候,适当的伸张一下“正义”吗?至于被雷劈吗?算了甩甩眼泪,就勉强活一下吧。想知道重生后的,林晓舞是怎样勉强活一下的吗?还等什么?快点击《舞之邪》吧。More of Me
Teva goes to school, studies for her exams, and spends time with her friends. To the rest of the world, she's a normal teenager. But when she goes home, she's anything but normal. Due to a genetic abnormality, Teva unwillingly clones herself every year. And lately, home has become a battleground. When boys are at stake, friends are lost, and lives are snatched away, Teva has a fight on her hands—a fight with herself. As her birthday rolls around, Teva is all too aware that time is running out. She knows that the next clone will soon seize everything she holds dear. Desperate to hang on to her life, Teva decides to find out more about her past … and uncovers lies that could either destroy her or set her free.