辗转三世,两段失败的爱情。萧摇觉得自己就像一个悲惨的爱情失败品。再重生穿越前的十年前,一切开始的起点。她不会再相信爱情了。她发誓她要好好的保护她的家人,所有她要抓紧时间造势造钱。所以,她努力,又努力的把师傅给的东西应用好。从此,她审过去看未来,断人生死,铁口直断,从不虚言,结交了各界名流。一双透视的慧眼,消除了一切障碍,成就了神医之名,也缔造了商业帝国的伊始。此后,她的商业帝国开始成为了神话奇迹,传奇开始。【小剧场】某三岁小男萌娃,巴眨巴眨着圆溜溜的大眼睛扯着某少的衣袖好奇的问道,“爸爸,爸爸,我听妈妈说,很久很久以前,你连屁都不放一个,怎么现在变成老太婆唠唠叨叨的。”某少暴跳如雷,提着小男萌娃按住沙发上,啪啪……的声音顿时响起,“臭小子,你嘴里给我放一个屁看看。”小男萌娃特委屈的哇哇大哭,他只是想问问爸爸他以前是不是真的不放屁,怎么现在就挨打了。A Trace of Death (a Keri Locke Mystery--Book #1)
"A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go."--Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense.Keri Locke, Missing Persons Detective in the Homicide division of the LAPD, remains haunted by the abduction of her own daughter, years before, never found. Still obsessed with finding her, Keri buries her grief the only way she knows how: by throwing herself into the cases of missing persons in Los Angeles.A routine phone call from a worried mother of a high-schooler, only two hours missing, should be ignored. Yet something about the mother's voice strikes a chord, and Keri decides to investigate.