国际影后陈飞扬年少成名,看起来什么都有了,却唯独得不到爱。父母爱她,却随时可以为了未出世的弟弟抛弃他;影迷爱她,可随时会为了新出现的墙头而忘记她;公司爱她,可公司只爱作为摇钱树的她。终于有一天,爱了十多年的那个男人向她告白了,叫的却是别人的名字,他说:吴笑笑,你要做我的女朋友吗?如愿留在他身边,他却始终叫着别人的名字。想要用自己的身份爱他,是奢侈吗?……他是床头海报上的大明星。而她是他众多簇拥中毫不起眼的那一个。一朝梦醒,他却只围着一条浴巾在她身边低喃,你醒了?啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!这是梦还是真的!上帝啊,如此普通的我,能够留得住他身边那个位置吗?卷入重重迷雾的我,还能全身而退吗?双线,1v1,双向暗恋。The Midwich Cuckoos
John Wyndham's 1957 book The Midwich Cuckoos is better known by the more sensational title of its two film adaptations, Village of the Damned. The story begins with Richard and Janet Gayford who have spent the night of September 26 in London, returning to their home in Midwich the following day. Then, in ways that are difficult to pin down, the village seems changed--not quite the same place that it was before. The nightmare that descends on Midwich has dire implications for the rest of the world; whatever dwells there is sowing the seeds for a master race of ruthless and inhumane creatures who are bent on nothing less than absolute and total domination.