刘浩曾经和莫寒说过,说他不是她的王子,给不了她尊贵的爱恋,可是他可以做她的骑士,会给她一生的守护。莫寒为了这句话,便决心跟刘浩一辈子。为了他,她相信婚姻的天长地久,相信爱情的山盟海誓。为了他,她可以不顾他家庭的贫困,家人的极品,更不顾他凤凰男的身份。可是她不曾想过,一次意外,她闯进她的卧室,竟然发现他和另外一个女人……从此以后,好男人的典范变成渣男的典范;小三登堂入室竟然是莫寒大学的同学;婆婆公公以照顾他们生活为名住进了莫寒的家;极品的事情一件接着一件,莫寒终于忍无可忍,慢慢的开始自己的新生活。突然出现的大学同学顾梓言给了莫寒新的希望和人生。给她工作,给她重新规划人生。可是,现实却不让她……The Cry of the Owl
In a small Pennsylvania town, Robert Forrester is recuperating from a nasty divorce and a bout of psychological trouble. One evening, while driving home, he sees a pretty young woman framed by her bright kitchen window. Soon, he can't keep himself away. But when Robert is inevitably discovered, obsession is turned on its head, and he finds himself unable to shake the young woman, nor entirely sure whether he should. From Patricia Highsmith, once called "the balladeer of stalking" by The New Yorker, The Cry of the Owl is a modern classic ready to be reborn.