【简介:】晋升宴后,独自从洗手间呕吐回来的沈洛心。路过隔壁包厢,正好看到有人鬼鬼祟祟的往一个酒杯里下药。一时头脑冲动决定多管闲事的她,半个小时后,就偷偷的扶着一个脚步虚软的男人,离开了饭店后门,上了她自己的车子……◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇两个半月后。沈洛心脸色惨白的从医院里走了出来,手中握着一张B超检查单子,上面写着:妊娠73天。◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆Man of the Outback
When beautiful Sally Baxter moves to Australia, she is eager for adventure, freedom, and to make a life of her own--far from the demands of her meddling family. Her friend, Julia, owns a ranch--and when she offers to take Sally in, it seems too good to be true. But Julia's ranch is in danger. Arrogant, domineering landowner Grant Forsythe wants to buy the land--and he'll stop at nothing to get Julia to sell. At first intimidated and enraged, Sally can't help but be drawn to the handsome, determined Grant--and he makes no secret of his attraction to her.But then Grant proposes to Sally. And she can't help but wonder--is he doing it for love, or for the ranch?人生永远没有太晚的开始
作者以一个个充满哲理的小故事讲述不同的对生活对人生的观点和感悟,让你在阅读中能抛开理论的迷雾,获得人生顿悟,从而深刻地理解和把握自己的人生;使你的意志更坚强,内心更强大。它是你迷失航向时的灯塔,更是你春风得意时的镇静剂。 这本书并不是一本简单粗暴的励志成功学书籍,而是一本温情脉脉却充满力量的随笔;它不是为了告诉你怎样大器晚成,而是如冬日阳光般温暖地关怀,是对梦想照进现实的鼓励与谅解。