《王火文集》共十卷十二册,收录了王火老先生的众多代表作,为首次出版合集。第一卷为长篇小说茅盾文学奖作品《战争和人》;第二卷收录了《霹雳三年》《浓雾中的火光》;第三卷收录《外国八路》相关的小说、剧本及《流萤传奇》;第四卷收录了《节振国和工人特务大队》《一个京剧女演员的传奇》;第五卷收录了短篇小说《东方阴影》《禅悟》《雪祭》;第六卷收录了《梦中人生》《王冠之谜》;第七卷是中短篇和小小说合集收录了《心上的海潮》《隐私权》《众生百态》;第八卷包括《失去了的黄金时代金陵童话》《抗战!无法忘却的记忆》《历史镌烙于心》《抗战胜利后重庆时事新报刊出的特写四篇》《风云花絮》《启示录》六部分。Shadow of Apollo
When her gorgeous stepmother, Sylvia, makes plans to marry Glavcos Kyrou, an older, wealthy Greek gentleman, Jenny can't help but disapprove. Glavcos is domineering and arrogant--and Sylvia is clearly only after his money. Glavcos'son, Daros, is devastatingly handsome--and Jenny falls helplessly in love. But Sylvia is not immune to Daros'undeniable magnetism, and soon she has her eye on the son rather than the father. Sylvia always gets the man she wants--this time, will she take Jenny's?