唐小柒眼底泛着冷意,妖魅的眸子有些猩红:“把他身上的肉呢,一点一点切下来,可好?”某男脸色一黑:“乖……别出去浪了,多吃点好吃的。”唐小柒眼眸冰冷,妖魅的勾起一抹诡异的笑容:“我就要出去作妖,你咬我呐?”众人看着某男,额头滑下黑线,抽了抽眼角:柒柒小姐,怎么可能为了区区几块食物而折腰!某男继续诱拐:“柒柒,就尝一口。”几分钟后,唐小柒乖乖坐在男人的旁边,一脸欢愉的享受着美食,完全忘了自己的初衷。被啪啪打脸众人:“……”有句mmp不知该不该讲。PS:可撒娇可病娇的柒柒,确定不pick一下?Mad World
Mad World is a highly entertaining oral history that celebrates the New Wave music phenomenon of the 1980s via new interviews with 35 of the most notable artists of the period. Each chapter begins with a discussion of their most popular song but leads to stories of their history and place in the scene, ultimately painting a vivid picture of this colorful, idiosyncratic time. Mixtape suggestions, fashion sidebars, and quotes from famous contemporary admirers help fill out the fun. Participants include members of Duran Duran, New Order, The Smiths, Tears for Fears, Adam Ant, Echo and the Bunnymen, Devo, ABC, Spandau Ballet, A Flock of Seagulls, Thompson Twins, and INXS.