Voyagers II
Keith Stoner had been in a state of suspended animation for eighteen years. It was eighteen years earlier that Stoner had been an American member of a joint U.S. - Soviet venture to capture an alien ship, but when the Soviets had to pull out, Stoner willfully persisted and it was then, during that time on the strange ship that Stoner fell into the strange state that was neither here, nor there.Jo Camerata, the ambitious young student who fell in love with Stoner is now head of Vanguard Industries, which has recovered the alien ship. As a result, her company now controls the vast new technology and the fortune it reaps in - as well as control of Keith Stoner. What Camerata doesn't know, however, is that someone else has been awake, someone who dwells deep within the labyrinths of Stoner's mind.易烊千玺今生错在爱上你
我们都习惯了戴上缴笑的面具,去掩饰内心的悲伤,直到我们摘下面具的时候,看到的只是一张不会笑的险。——易琳 想陪你白头到老,共饮风霜。就算夏雨洪荒,冬雪,苍茫,穷极一生也只为你。——易烊千玺 怕无归期,怕空欢喜,怕来者不是你。世界再大,终究不能再与到第二个你。——王俊凯 时光匆匆,岁月也匆匆。?离开了多少,又剩下些什么。你若不来,我,怎敢老去。——王源 虽然我很晚才喜欢上你,但是我会陪你很久。——韩欣怡养只王爷不如狗:煞王妖妃