这是一本挂着小熊提伯斯的熊头,卖着小安妮的肉的书!哦,不对,说错了!这其实是一本挂着提伯斯的熊头,卖着小安妮的多元世界旅行故事的书!没错了,就是酱紫的!已过复联、哈利波特、艾泽拉斯、加勒比海盗、星际争霸、魔戒、神盾局、重返艾泽拉斯、暗黑II、fatezero、呆毛、质量效应、白蛇、权利的游戏、龙珠、DC世界、符文之地、MIB世界、高达、哪吒世界、某超电磁炮、星球大战、火焰杯、大世界、功夫猫熊、致远星、老滚、目前正在【头号玩家】......【一天一更,一更一万多字!】Paper Men
With an introduction by Andrew Martin Fame, success, fortune, a drink problem slipping over the edge into alcoholism, a dead marriage, the incurable itches of middle-aged lust. For Wilfred Barclay, novelist, the final unbearable irritation is Professor Rick L. Tucker, implacable in his determination to become The Barclay Man. Locked in a lethal relationship they stumble across Europe, shedding wives, self-respect and illusions. The climax of their odyssey, when it comes, is as inevitable as it is unexpected. "e;Rich as a compost heap...It moves you and at times it can shake you"e;. (Melvyn Bragg). "e;A complex literary comedy from an extraordinarily powerful writer, which holds us right through to the end"e;. (Malcolm Bradbury).