1899年,可口可乐的拥有人阿萨·坎得乐和罐装厂签署了一份几乎覆盖全美的永久性合同,他以1美元的代价把合同卖给了他们,合同的内容还包括赋予他们永远以固定价格购买可口可乐糖浆的权利。结果,这个合同拖累了可口可乐公司几十年,给可口可乐的盈利能力造成巨大影响。Four Quartets
Four Quartets is the culminating achievement of T.S. Eliot's career as a poet. While containing some of the most musical and unforgettable passages in twentieth-century poetry, its four parts, 'Burnt Norton', 'East Coker', 'The Dry Salvages' and 'Little Gidding', present a rigorous meditation on the spiritual, philosophical and personal themes which preoccupied the author. It was the way in which a private voice was heard to speak for the concerns of an entire generation, in the midst of war and doubt, that confirmed it as an enduring masterpiece.