Another Eden
Susanne thought she'd landed her dream job when she got the chance to work with renowned novelist Nick Merridew. But it got even better when she met his handsome brother, Richard. After a whirlwind romance, Susanne and Richard were engaged-and couldn't be happier.Then a car accident robbed Susanne of her sight just weeks before her wedding, and it wasn't Richard who was at her bedside. It was Nick-dark, handsome, and arrogant, a man whose presence had always filled Susanne with dangerous desire. Now Susanne had a heart-wrenching decision to make. And no matter what choice she made, she stood to lose-and gain-far more than the accident could ever take away.Moldavite
Evas teaching career is seriously, and humorously, on the rocks. She loves her job, but is finding it harder by the minute to take her employer seriously. More and more Eva takes refuge in her mothers home city of Prague. She finds its cultural roots go back further than she could ever have imagined. As she shambles and laughs her way through school, Eva delves into the inspiring history of the city she loves. She is transformed by what she discovers. But will she find the links between Prague, North Yorkshire, the legacy of the Etruscans and Abraham the Patriarch?Entre el trabajo y el cuidado de los nuestros
La asombrosa cifra de 42 millones de estadounidenses se enfrenta a los desafíos de tener que cuidar de un ser querido y trabajar al mismo tiempo. A pesar de que la prestación de cuidados puede ser una experiencia muy gratificante, este rol acarrea una enorme responsabilidad--y presiones--. Esta guía de AARP te ofrece recursos prácticos y sugerencias fáciles de encontrar cuando más los necesitas, ya sea que estés cuidando diariamente a un ser querido, estés planificando para una situación futura o te encuentres en medio de una crisis. Y de igual importancia, este libro te ayuda a ocuparte del cuidador--o sea, de ti mismo--. La autora, Amy Goyer, experta en envejecimiento y familias, ofrece información, inspiración y su propia y conmovedora historia como encargada directa del cuidado de sus padres.
“缘灭灵界”的修真文明在宇宙中最为先进,半数人皆为仙。“真元大陆”修真,万年才有百人飞升。当“缘灭灵界”神王级女修士沦为“真元大陆”修真废柴:灵根?丹药?装备?宝器?卷轴?符咒?那些都是鸡肋!薛烟修真,靠的是绝世功法,凭的是神王级精神力!修炼速度逆天?美男争相暖床?神兵当装饰品?魔兽当宠物耍?灵丹当糖果吃?秘宝当茶杯使?这才是生活品质!【※※※——热血篇——※※※】“以变制变!随!”薛烟的声音划破长空,清脆激越。只听见“咻”的一声轻响,金灵箭羽穿透层层峦岭,道道峡谷,向西边逃窜的修士急射而去。金灵在半空中化作万支金花箭,直射修士眉心。金风撒下血雨,秋天虔诚地祈祷着死神的降临。“左翼闪,右翼展!”又是一声震天的呼喝,又是弯弓一箭。薛烟周身散发的红光,如火红烈焰在燃烧,薛烟立于中心石台,好似涅槃的火凤凰。敌方修士大呼:“她是大成期修士!快撤!”这时,火之灵箭射向八十名修士中三名“元婴期”高手。左边那名修士,带领身后的弟子冲向左边的绝壁,右边的修士带着弟子向后撤退。中间的修士带领弟子在敌方烈焰阵中扑杀开来,绝地狂杀,如惊涛拍岸,激起冲向苍穹的血浪。“大运五行万千变!冲!”薛烟仰天长啸,土灵箭向天空急劲射出。只听见“轰”的一声,箭羽碎裂成黄灵万点。绝壁间,一时间黄沙漫漫。天成了黄色,地也成了黄色,敌人陷入迷杀阵中,乱了阵脚。我方修士咆哮着,怒吼着。他们成了雪的锋、冰的剑。他们的双手,直穿敌人胸膛,一时间血注冲天。他们,成了收割生命的利刃!【※※※——欢脱篇——※※※】薛烟转了这么久也没挑中一件称心的兵器,她想着这条有灵性的白绫虽然邪门,倒也有趣。再不济,用它来绑个漂亮的发髻也行。凝集神匠毕生心血,收集金木水火土--五行之精织成的虚弓箭绫;淬练喜怒惊思怨--五妖之灵洗净的虚弓箭绫;“真元大陆”修真高手竞相争夺的十大神兵之一的虚弓箭绫。现在,竟被她的主人当成绑头发的带子!创造白绫的先辈若听到接下来的对话,定会吐血死一万次。薛烟说道:“那个幽灵再发疯对付我,你能绑住她吗?”白绫反应迅速地收紧了。“好了好了,就让你紧一下!快松开,笨!“白绫无奈地松了松。“你能自动帮我盘发吗?“白绫无语地紧了紧,立刻松开。“你能变颜色吗?“白绫紧了又松,她已经对主人的问题彻底叹服。“既然你这么有用,我就带你走吧!“做人有分寸 做事有尺度