
第2章 你有多努力,就有多幸运(2)

So, how do I define success? Let me tellyou, moneys pretty nice. Im not going to standup here and tell you that its not about money,because money is very nice. I like money. Itsgood for buying things.


But having a lot of money does notautomatically make you a successful person.What you want is money and meaning. Youwant your work to be meaningful, becausemeaning is what brings the real richness to yourlife. What you really want is to be surroundedby people you trust and treasure and by peoplewho cherish you. Thats when youre really rich. So, lesson one, follow your feelings. If it feelsright, move forward. If it doesnt feel right,dont do it.


Now I want to talk a little bit aboutfailings, because nobodys journey isseamless or smooth. We all stumble. Weall have setbacks. If things go wrong,you hit a dead end-as you will-itsjust lifes way of saying time to changecourse. So, ask every failure-this iswhat I do with every failure, everycrisis, every difficult time-I say, whatis this here to teach me? And as soonas you get the lesson, you get to moveon. If you really get the lesson, you passand you dont have to repeat the class. If you dont get the lesson, it showsup wearing another pair of pants-orskirt-to give you some remedial work.


Not a small topic this is, findinghappiness. But in some ways I think its thesimplest of all. Gwendolyn Brooks wrote apoem for her children. Its called “Speech tothe Young : Speech to the Progress-Toward.” And she says at the end, “Live not for battleswon. / Live not for the-end-of-the-song. /Live in the along.” Shes saying, like EckhartTolle, that you have to live for the present. You have to be in the moment. Whateverhas happened to you in your past has nopower over this present moment, becauselife is now.

追求幸福并不是一个小话题。但从某种程度上来说它又是最简单的话题。Gwendolyn Brooks(女诗人格温多琳·布鲁克斯)为她的孩子写了一首诗,诗名是《对年轻人的谈话:对前行者的谈话》。在诗的最后她说到,不要为了战胜而生活,不要为了歌曲的结束而生活,要享受生活。她说,像埃克哈特·托利一样,你应当为了现在而生活,应当活在当下。无论过去发生了什么都不应该影响到现在,因为生活就是活在当下。

But I think shes also saying, be a part ofsomething. Dont live for yourself alone. Thisis what I know for sure: In order to be trulyhappy, you must live along with and you haveto stand for something larger than yourself,because life is a reciprocal exchange. Tomove forward you have to give back. Andto me, that is the greatest lesson of life. To behappy, you have to give something back.


The Stanfords had suffered the worst thing any mom and dad can ever endure, yet theyunderstood that helping others is the way we help ourselves. And this wisdom is increasinglysupported by scientific and sociological research. Its no longer just woo-woo soft-skills talk. Theres actually a helpers high, a spiritual surge you gain from serving others. So, if youwant to feel good, you have to go out and do some good.


But when you do good, I hope you strive for more than just the good feeling that serviceprovides, because I know this for sure, that doing good actually makes you better. So,whatever field you choose, if you operate from the paradigm of service, I know your life willhave more value and you will be happy.


I was always happy doing my talkshow, but that happiness reached a depthof fulfillment, of joy, that I really cantdescribe to you or measure when I stoppedjust being on TV and looking at TV as a joband decided to use television, to use it andnot have it use me, to use it as a platform toserve my viewers. That alone changed thetrajectory of my success.


You know, Ive always believed thateverything is better when you share it, sobefore I go, I wanted to share a graduationgift with you. Underneath your seats youllfind two of my favorite books. EckhartTolles A New Earth is my current bookclub selection. Our New Earth webcast hasbeen downloaded 30 million times withthat book. And Daniel Pinks A Whole NewMind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule theFuture has reassured me Im in the rightdirection.

你们知道,我一直坚信,如果你和他人分享,那么事情就会变得更好。所以在我离开之前,我想和大家分享一下毕业礼物。在你们的座位底下,你们会发现两本我最喜欢的书。一本是埃克哈特·托利的《新世界》,这是目前我的流行书俱乐部的精选品。我们的New Earth广播已经被下载3亿次。另一本是丹尼尔·平克的《全新思维:为什么右脑思考者会统治未来》,是它使我确定我的人生正轨。




Hope never dies, persistent spirit

[米歇尔·奥巴马][Michelle Obama]

Serving as your First Lady isan honor and a privilege…but back when we first came togetherfour years ago, I still had some concernsabout this journey wed begun.

While I believed deeply in myhusbands vision for this country…and I was certain he would make anextraordinary President…like anymother, I was worried about what itwould mean for our girls if he got thatchance. How would we keep themgrounded under the glare of the nationalspotlight? How would they feel beinguprooted from their school, their friends, and the only home theyd ever known? And the truth is, I loved the life we hadbuilt for our girls…I deeply loved the manI had built that life with…and I didnt wantthat to change if he became President.

I loved Barack just the way he was.





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