本书为超级畅销书作者编剧人海中的最新一部爱情小说,以一个高富帅和白骨精的小资女性爱情故事展开。留白,一个26岁离婚一年的单身妈妈,一次相助朋友的过程中,留白邂逅了年轻的楚承,两人开始了一段姐弟恋。其间,留白又认识了肖,留白放弃了自己最爱的男人,选择了最爱自己的男人,开始了全新的生活。The Complete Short Prose of Samuel Beckett, 1929-1
Nobel Prize winner Samuel Beckett was one of the most profoundly original writers of the 20th century. He gave expression to the anguish and isolation of the individual consciousness with a purity and minimalism that have altered the shape of world literature. A tremendously influential poet and dramatist, Beckett spoke of his prose fiction as the "important writing," the medium in which he distilled his ideas most powerfully. Here, for the first time, his short prose is gathered in a definitive, complete volume by leading Beckett scholar S. E. Gontarski.