穿越时空?她吗?如果这等好事真的轮到她,她是很开心,很高兴,很想大笑三声.可是……要她当人家的后娘没搞错吧为什么差那么多?没有高高在上的地位————呃,其实地位也不低了,据说是个将军夫人。没有帅帅的老公在身边————属于她的那位压根就没个踪影。没有爱她爱到死去活来的一号二号三号情人————嗯,有的是那位无踪无影一号二号三号的爱慕者。好命苦,赶快把人家送回去了,一点都不好玩。什么什么?那位夫君还有个儿子?他的前妻呢?什么什么?她就是他的“前妻”?她就是他儿子的娘?搞虾米啊!这下不只时空错乱,她的神经都快错乱了^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^各位有什么好的意见或建议都可以留言分享或是加群42692833交流………………………………………………………………我,不曾在意逍遥如何去写,不曾留意逍遥如何去发音,更不曾注意有多少人同叫逍遥。在意的,是那一抹逍遥的感觉。挣脱束缚,天很高,风很轻,空气很清新,连首度相识的大海都那么蔚蓝世界,是色彩缤纷的——逍遥的世界没有灰色——首先呢_谢谢亲们一直以来的支持,城主·闲妾逍遥已经开了有一段时间,换夫新娘近期才开的,现在才来广而告之一下下各位旧雨新知有兴趣可以挪动脚步前去看看哦。奉上文的地址:城主·闲妾:换夫新娘:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^如何成为VIP会员以下网址中有详细介绍?userpay/m.wkkk.netDouble Tongue
An aged prophetess at Delphi, the most sacred oracle in ancient Greece, looks back over her strange life as the Pythia, the First Lady and voice of the god Apollo. As a young virgin with disturbing psychic powers, Arieka was handed over to the service of the shrine by her parents. She has now spent sixty years as the very medium, the torn mouthpiece, of equivocal mantic utterances from the bronze tripod in the sanctuary beneath the temple. Over a lifetime at the mercy of god and priest and people she has watched the decay of Delphi's fortunes and its influence in the world. Her reflections on the mysteries of the oracle, which her own weird gifts have embodied, are matched by her feminine insight into the human frailties of the High Priest himself, a true Athenian, whose intriguing against the Romans brings about humiliation and disaster. This extraordinary short novel was left in draft at Golding's sudden death in 1993 but it is a psychological and historical triumph.