欧尚(F'oshion)是一家著名的跨国珠宝企业,在A市更是叱咤风云的明星企业,每年都有数以万计的人挤破脑袋想要成为他们的员工,不为别的,只为见一面那个传说中在25岁便成为欧尚大中华区的总裁的商界奇才——欧阳深,人如其名,他深不可测,年纪轻轻却在一年时间内将欧尚推上国际市场,使之成为各大珠宝品牌强有力的竞争对手。可是谁也不知道,商场上如此骄傲冷酷的一个人,在她面前,却温柔得不可一世,他想,她大概是他这辈子挣不脱的情锁…The Phantom Limb
Isaac is the new kid in town. His mother, Vera, is in the hospital with a mysterious illness, and the only person left to care for Isaac is his distant grandfather. Friendless and often alone, Isaac loses himself in his collection of optical illusions, including a strange mirror box that he finds in his new house, left behind by the previous tenants. Designed for amputees, it creates the illusion of a second limb. Lonely Isaac wishes someone would reach out to him, and then someone does—a phantom limb within the mirror box! It signs to Isaac about a growing danger: someone who has murdered before and is out to get Vera next. The only way Isaac can solve the mystery and save his mother is with the help of the mirror box. But can he trust the phantom limb?