身为天下首富嫡女,却接连遭遇不幸,母亲被害、庶母夺嫡,庶妹虐待、表哥污辱,新婚之夜还被丈夫强行下药,丢给数十个男子,挣扎中,被人了结性命……再度睁眼,她回到了三年前,父亲慈爱,母亲健在,庶母仍在外宅之中,一切重新开始!重活一世,她再不是那个善良可欺的大小姐,人不犯我,我不犯人,人若犯我,我必诛之!庶母谋害嫡母,巧计送她入地府,庶姐庶妹谋权,让她偷鸡不成蚀把米,表哥禽兽,让他当众受辱,永生悔恨,皇族贪财,妙计周旋,保全家人,前世的恶毒夫君,此生却对她纠缠不休,甚至连那前生未见过的太子殿下也上门提亲,更有邻国皇子,狂妄将军,智多星丞相紧追不放,究竟是倾心爱慕,还是阴谋诡计,且看她一一将所有面具揭开……Old Friends
Ninety-year-old Lou quit school after the eighth grade, worked for the rest of his life, and stayed with the same woman for nearly seventy years. Seventy-two-year-old Joe was chief probation officer in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, holds a law degree, and has faced the death of a son and the raising of a mentally challenged daughter. Now, the two men are roommates in a nursing home. Despite coming from very different backgrounds, the two become close friends.With an exacting eye for detail, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Tracy Kidder examines end-of-life sorrows, joys, and unexpected surprises with poetry and compassion. Struggling to find meaning in the face of mortality, Joe and Lou experience the challenges that come with aging—with a grace and dignity that's sure to inspire.