用一颗柔软的心抒写尘世间的冷暖,用清新文艺的笔调教会你在这个世界上勇敢坚强。你可以温柔,也可以做你想做的自己。你要去相信,那个美好的你就一直在不远的地方等你。一句话,世界如此之美,你当学会去享受。致你我未曾未曾妥协的青春岁月,前方纵有苦难再多,也当勇敢前行。总有一段情,温柔过你的岁月,赋万物多情;总有一个人,惊艳过时光,令你念念不忘。Honey and Jam
In the tradition of cooking with each season's bounty, Hannah Queen applies the same spirit to her baking, turning out an abundance of fresh cakes, trifles, biscuits, and more. From the citrus of winter to the bright squash of summer, more than 70 classic and modern dessert recipes celebrate locally sourced ingredients. Relish the sweet fruit of the spring with the delectable Rhubarb Custard Cake, and savor the ripe flavors of autumn with the Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes with Bourbon Buttercream. The wide range of flavors and recipes for year-round baking ensure you will never tire of these fresh indulgences. Featuring Queen's rich photography throughout, Honey and Jam not only showcases a collection of rustic desserts, but also captures the sprawling forests and farmlands of Blue Ridge, anchoring each recipe in the backdrop of the Southern Appalachian Mountains.