“签下合约,无论你做什么,我都当你的靠山!”他将一份合约洒脱的丢到她面前。一纸合约,二婚的林若成了US集团总裁的女人。她想复仇,他随意一语,前夫破产!官司她想赢,他轻轻一笑,被告人输的一塌糊涂!她毁了他最爱的女人,他却只是冷眼旁观!她毁了他整个车库的豪车,他也不过是说了句“再买便是。”她的心逐渐倾斜与他,一年合约到期,她卷铺盖走人。他全世界搜捕她,想逃出他的手心?门都没有!当生活逐渐平衡时,突如其来的一场噩耗将她所有的幻想都毁灭,一夜醒来,被迫流产、父母消失,她跪在他的面前,逞强的神情令人心疼,“求你……放我走。”The Cheerleaders of Doom (NERDS Book Three)
Matilda "Wheezer" Choi, the asthmatic who can fly and kick butt courtesy of her nanobyte-enhanced inhalers, loves pro wrestling and hates anything "girlie." Maybe that's because she grew up with six brothers—or maybe it's because her home life has become a battle zone in the conflict between her parents. Unfortunately for Wheezer, when a former member of NERDS turned villain gets extensive plastic surgery in order to become a cheerleader, Matilda must swallow her pride to successfully infiltrate the squad. The newest supervillain, Gerdie Baker, assisted by the criminal mastermind Simon, has created a device that opens portals to other worlds, which she and the other cheerleaders have been pillaging. But the alternate realities are starting to get awfully close together, so it's up to Wheezer and the NERDS to stop the cheerleaders before the worlds collide.