
第10章 University of Pennsylvania: Laws without morals ar



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The University of Pennsylvania (not to be confused with the public Pennsylvania State University, commonly referred to as Penn or U Penn), one of the eight members of the Ivy League, is a private research university located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, founded in 1740. Penn is the fourth-oldest institution of higher education in the United States and is considered the first university in America, with both undergraduate and graduate studies.Benjamin Franklin, Penn"s founder and one of the country"s founding fathers and a signer of the American Declaration of Independence, advocated an educational program that focused as much on practical education for commerce and public service as on the classics and theology.At that time, most colonial colleges were founded to train the clergy, but Franklin dreamed of a school where students could learn business and other skills they"d need in life. Over the years, the school has grown and expanded.

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System:There are four schools that offer both undergraduate and graduate studies, including the School of Arts and Sciences, the School of Nursing, the School of Engineering and Applied Science and the Wharton School of Business. There are an additional eight schools that offer only graduate studies.

Pre-college courses: The University has pre-college courses teens. The courses are worth one to two college credits and students can use the credits if they decide to enroll at the university. Classes last about six weeks in summer and they are taught by its professors. Students are treated like enrolled college students and they have homework, midterms and f inal exams.

MBA programs: The MBA at University of Pennsylvania makes its home at the Wharton School of Business, the country"s f irst collegiate business school. The MBA is a two-year program that includes a pre-term retreat and summer internship after the f irst year. After completing core classes that focus on business fundamentals such as strategy and finance, a total of 18 majors are available for emphasis during the second year of study. Majors include marketing, health care management and organizational effectiveness.


be confused with 与……混淆

advocate [dvkit] vt. 提倡;主张;拥护

commerce [km(:)s] n. 贸易,商业

theology [θildi] n. 神学;宗教体系

colonial [klunjl] adj. 殖民的;殖民地的

clergy [kl:di] n. 牧师;神职人员

credit [kredit] n. 信用;学分;信任;声望

internship [int:nip] n. 实习生;(美)实习期

fundamental [fndmentl] n. 基本原理;基本原则







Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.


Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.


Whatever you do, do with all your might.


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