亚历山大帝国是古希腊文明孕育的结果。随着帝国版图的扩大,亚历山大帝国成为继波斯帝国之后的又一个横跨欧、亚、非三洲的帝国。但是这个帝国却非常短命,只存在了13年。13年中迅速崛起又迅速崩塌,这其中又存在着怎样的奥秘?本书在为您详尽阐述亚历山大帝国兴衰之谜的同时,也向您展示了亚历山大个人传奇的一生。I Hated to Do It
For over 40 years, Donald C. Farber was Kurt Vonnegut's attorney, literary agent, and close friend. In this deeply felt memoir, Farber offers a rare portrait of Vonnegut that is both candid and entertaining. A renowned entertainment lawyer with a largely famous clientele and a highly acclaimed author in his own right, Farber provides colorful anecdotes that detail the daily realities of working with Vonnegut from the perspective of the person who knew him best. The millions of fans around the world who mourned Vonnegut's passing will treasure this new and intimate portrait of him, not just as an acclaimed author, but also as a witty, eclectic, and brave personality that contributed greatly to our culture.