Pacific Onslaught
Japan had mighty ambitions—to control the Western Pacific. The attack on Pearl Harbor devastated the American Pacific fleet, their primary obstacle, and they swept across the region. What ensued was a bitter struggle in which many thousands of soldiers lost their lives on both sides.This is the first book in Paul Kennedy's chronicle of the Pacific conflict in World War II, concluded in Pacific Victory. Featuring a new introduction by the author, this book provides a close, step-by-step narrative of the Japanese expansion into the Western Pacific during some of the most brutal years of World War II. Offering contemporary analysis of war strategy, it includes a riveting look at Japan's tightening grip on Hong Kong, New Guinea, the Philippines, and other key strategic locations—and the Allies' inexorable struggle against it. These works on the War in the Pacific are as gripping today as when they were first published.做一个幸福的全职妈妈:全职妈妈美好生活必读
本书不是一本教科书,是一本传递智慧与快乐的心灵读本,也是一本分享灵感和技巧的实用百科。本书融合了社会问题、心理问题、育儿问题、创业问题以及生活中的点点滴滴。书中有短小的案例,也有实用的攻略,它有专业提醒,也有温馨贴士,它包含着写给妈妈的话,也蕴藏着妈妈们应该去学习的技能。该书用温暖的语言唤醒了每一个全职妈妈对生活原本保有的热爱,它教会你“爱孩子的妈妈也要学会爱生活”,它也告诉你“爱生活的妈妈才能更好地照顾和教育孩子”。Camp Pleasant
This short novel that is told with almost fable-like simplicity: Matt Harper is a first-time counselor at a boy's summer camp when he witnesses a casual brutality that leads to murder. The bullying, gluttonous headman Ed Nolan (who has "reduced Camp Pleasant to a microcosm of the Third Reich") is portrayed as one stereotype that the reader is not sorry to see killed off. Instead, all of our sympathy is reserved for the possible suspects: Merv Loomis, the homosexual counselor Nolan humiliates into quitting; the troubled ten-year-old Tony Rocca; Nolan's meek wife, Ellen; and several others. The setting and tone have the distinct feel of the early 1950s, but a casual reference to actress Catherine Deneuve places the action in the mid-60s or later.