一不小心撩了一个大反派,还一撩一个准!那个谁谁……你干什么……算了,都是命中注定,反派让小爷抱走吧≧▽≦……我家反派貌美如花,我家反派顶呱呱╮(‵▽′)╭! 推荐新书《我和心魔在一起了》首发红袖。 【慢热、黑暗系、修仙、修魔、互宠,坑品保障】 ①“我慕容笑今生只不杀三种人:无辜之人,善良之人,打不过的人。” “因为我答应过乐乐,就算是魔也要做一个堂堂正正的魔!” ②“为了你,我可以放手,放过你。” “不,我可以放弃飞升,只要……你在!” ③“慕容笑!这是什么鬼玩意儿!” “这是在无极之渊时,我给你买的糖葫芦……”男人抿紧嘴唇看着那串不明物体。 ④“慕容笑,我想找个地方把你藏起来。” “你是天下的魔,但你是我的心上人。” ⑤“乐乐,你看,是鲜花,是草地,是山川,是河流!我们回到人界了。” ⑥“慕容笑,我多希望我们从未离开过无极之渊……” ⑦“你是天下的魔,你是我慕容乐的神。”你是地狱爬出来的魔鬼,也是跌落地狱的神明。 ⑧“慕容笑!说了永远在一起,少一分一秒都不行!”
Edited by J. C. C. Mays Murphy, Samuel Beckett's first novel, was published in 1938. Its work-shy eponymous hero, adrift in London, realises that desire can never be satisfied and withdraws from life, in search of stupor. Murphy's lovestruck fiance Celia tries with tragic pathos to draw him back, but her attempts are doomed to failure. Murphy's friends and familiars are simulacra of Murphy, fragmented and incomplete. But Beckett's achievement lies in the brilliantly original language used to communicate this vision of isolation and misunderstanding. The combination of particularity and absurdity gives Murphy's world its painful definition, but the sheer comic energy of Beckett's prose releases characters and readers alike into exuberance.没有翅膀,所以努力奔跑