舒杰扬喜欢观察生活,然后用中学生特有的语气、故作不经意地表达自己对生活的看法。他的迟到理论、应对师长教训的“技巧”,对伙伴义气和老师表扬与鼓励的“真实想法”;甚至于因喜欢女孩库拉而产生的诸多“爱情思索”,对待父亲从“逆反情绪”到“握手言和”……舒杰扬遭遇的每个小事件都如同一个镜面,生动立体地诉说着一名中学生正跃跃欲试着独立思考,探索现实人生。You, Me & The US Economy
This groundbreaking title is an insider's account of the 2008 financial crisis written specifically for Main Street.Stacy Carlson, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's speechwriter, takes you inside the Treasury Department and explains the events and issues in a wry, personal narrative. You want to understand what brought us to the brink of collapse? After reading You, Me & the U.S. Economy, you will.With clarity and humor, Stacy explains the multiple causes of our financial, housing and economic troubles and the multiple attempts to solve them. She isn't a financial wizard and writes so other non-wizards can understand, too. Wrapped within is her story of faith and persistence in a new, mid-life career and as a silent witness to tremendous turmoil, You, Me & the U.S. Economy tells Main Street what really happened and why. Finally.