赵凡禹编著的《一生必读的悬疑文学经典大全集(超值金版)》讲述了:推理惊悚小说距今有近两百年的历史,之所以风靡全世界,就在于它拥有让人充分发挥逻辑思维找到事件真相的空间,让人在阅读时沉迷于扑朔迷离的故事情节中不能自拔,最终却是在得知难以预料的结局时恍然大悟,继而获得阅读快感。《一生必读的悬疑文学经典大全集(超值金版)》精心甄选全世界各地著名的推理惊悚大师之著作,让读者在这些大师诡秘奇异的文字当中,获得难以忘怀的阅读体验。Milestones of Flight
Milestones of Flight takes readers soaring through the high points of American aviation: from the Wright brothers and their competitors to the military pilots who first circumnavigated the globe, from the initial space rocket to the moon walk, from the earliest manmade satellite to today's spy drones. The book also describes what inventions—such as rocket propulsion, the wind tunnel, and the silicon chip—helped move flight upward and beyond. Profusely illustrated with objects from the Smithsonian's collection, Milestones of Flight provides an inspiring look at America's contributions to aviation. The book includes a bibliography, author's note, and index.