曼彻斯特,十三岁的苏念安遇见十七岁的顾西洛。苏念安对这个经常惹事的男孩照顾有加,冷漠的他感动了。不料,两人却因意外而分开。马德里,长大后的他们再度相遇,她却因遭遇重大车祸而忘记了一切,包括他。大家都喜欢顾西洛,只有苏念安根本不把他当回事。他不在乎她的冷漠,把她带回家用心呵护,期望唤醒记忆中的女孩。可家族仇恨让他们一次次黯然退出对方的世界,但两人的爱情却在分离的煎熬中,渐渐升温。那一段被搁浅的回忆,要怎样,才能重新拾回……Seeing Things
This collection of Seamus Heaney's work, especially in the vivid and surprising twelve-line poems entitled "e;Squarings"e;, shows he is ready to re-imagine experience and "e;to credit marvels"e;. The title poem, "e;Seeing Things"e;, is typical of the whole book. It begins with memories of an actual event, then moves towards the visionary while never relinquishing its feel for the textures and sensations of the world. Translations of Virgil and Homer provide a prelude and a coda where motifs implicit in the earlier lyrics are given direct expression in extended narratives. Journeys to underworlds and otherworlds correspond to the journeys made by poetic language itself. From the author of "e;The Haw Lantern"e;, "e;Wintering Out"e;, "e;Station Island"e; and "e;North"e;.