Prizzi's Honor
Charley Partanna works as a hitman for the Prizzis, New York's most dangerous crime family. Irene Walker does, too--an LA-based tax consultant, she moonlights as a hitwoman. And now she's stolen a large sum of money for the mob--and it's Charley's job to find her. The catch? Charley is married to Irene. Faced with divided loyalties, he must make a choice--between the only family he's ever known and the woman he loves.Prizzi's Honor was made into an award-winning film in 1985 starring Jack Nicholson, Robert Loggia, Kathleen Turner, and Anjelica Huston, who won an Academy Award for her performance. A compelling page-turner fueled by rich characterization and fast-paced prose, this book is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.日事日清:打造高效的执行模式
请用以下标准衡量自己是否尽职尽责: 能否在规定期限的前一天完成忙务; 能否把每件普通的小事处理得漂亮至极; 能否犯上司交代的事情做得既周到又完美; 能否把一项趋于想像的重任做得恰到好处; 能否把那些别人可以做到合格的事情做到优秀,把别人可以做到优秀的事情做到卓越。 如果在以上内容中,你能做到不止一项“能”,那么你就成为了一个日事日清、能够担当重任的员工。如果还未能做到,请你阅读本书。