男人西装革履,看着沙发上的凌宝依,眼里闪烁着精光。“老婆,我完美吗?”凌宝依一愣,扫了一眼搔首弄姿的男人,点了点头:“嗯,完美。”男子笑容放大,追问:“哪里最完美?”凌宝依起身,来到男子面前,从男子口袋抽出皮夹,看着里面的毛爷爷,笑得如花儿一般甜美:“钱包最完美!”Darkness Visible
Darkness Visible opens at the height of the London Blitz, when a naked child steps out of an all-consuming fire. Miraculously saved but hideously scarred, soon tormented at school and at work, Matty becomes a wanderer, a seeker after some unknown redemption. Two more lost children await him, twins as exquisite as they are loveless. Toni dabbles in political violence; Sophy, in sexual tyranny. As Golding weaves their destinies together, his book reveals both the inner and outer darkness of our world. "An intensity of vision without parallel." (TLS). "A vision of elemental reality so vivid we seem to hallucinate the scenes…Magic." (New York Times Book Review).