余善贵和徐娜通奸的事,刘旭像吃一粒老鼠屎一样,把它深深地藏在了心底。余善贵以秘书科科长作为交换条件,刘旭一口回绝。余善贵始终不放心,终于还是安了个副科长的头衔在刘旭身上。不知哪里出了问题,王迪得到了他们通奸的消息。刘旭能吞下这粒老鼠屎,王迪却怎么也咽不下这口气,他提着刀冲到余善贵的办公室来找他算账了。刘旭本不想掺和这件事,但事到临头,他还是情不自禁地冲了上去,结果伤及手腕韧带,险些成为残废。在刘旭住院期间,白晓晴天天都去看他。The Kings County Distillery Guide to Urban Moonshi
A new generation of urban bootleggers is distilling whiskey at home, and cocktail enthusiasts have embraced the nuances of brown liquors. Written by the founders of Kings County Distillery, New York City's first distillery since Prohibition, this spirited illustrated book explores America's age-old love affair with whiskey. It begins with chapters on whiskey's history and culture from 1640 to today, when the DIY trend and the classic cocktail craze have conspired to make it the next big thing. For those thirsty for practical information, the book next provides a detailed, easy-to-follow guide to safe home distilling, complete with a list of supplies, step-by-step instructions, and helpful pictures, anecdotes, and tips. The final section focuses on the contemporary whiskey scene, featuring a list of microdistillers, cocktail and food recipes from the country's hottest mixologists and chefs, and an opinionated guide to building your own whiskey collection.