Milestones of Flight
Milestones of Flight takes readers soaring through the high points of American aviation: from the Wright brothers and their competitors to the military pilots who first circumnavigated the globe, from the initial space rocket to the moon walk, from the earliest manmade satellite to today's spy drones. The book also describes what inventions—such as rocket propulsion, the wind tunnel, and the silicon chip—helped move flight upward and beyond. Profusely illustrated with objects from the Smithsonian's collection, Milestones of Flight provides an inspiring look at America's contributions to aviation. The book includes a bibliography, author's note, and index.黑石拍卖团:跷家小猫咪
<此文中连载两本书(已完结)有兴趣的亲可以看>“你想做什么?”<br/>谭焱的一步一步逼近,让古心彤害怕的不得了,她惊恐的问着。<br/>谭焱轻笑,反问:“不要那么惊恐的看着我,我有那么可怕吗?”<br/>古心彤防备的看着眼前的男人,听着他接下来看似缓和,却无比残忍地话语。<br/>他说:“怎么说孩子也是我的,他已经这么大了,不生下他多可惜。而且,生下他还可以控制你,不是吗?”<br/>谭焱的手,肆意的在古心彤圆润的腹部上行走,说着那让人脊背发凉和心痛的话语。<br/> 萌妃嫁到:王牌懒后掌天下