导弹是一种依靠制导系统来控制飞行轨迹的可以指定攻击目标,甚至追踪目标动向的无人驾驶武器,其任务是把战斗部装药在打击目标附近引爆并毁伤目标,或在没有战斗部的情况下依靠自身动能直接撞击目标,以达到毁伤的效果。也就是说,导弹是依靠自身动力装置推进,由制导系统导引、控制其飞行路线,并导向目标的武器。Understand Rap
Rap songs are famous for their double entendres, clever turns of phrase, and general ingenuity, but that doesn't mean things always make sense the first time around. Enter Understand Rap, a very funny pop-cultural reference book based on the website of the same name, which precisely explains the confusing lyrics and terms used in rap songs using language that even the most un-hip person can understand. The juxtaposition of a dry, academic tone with hip-hop terminology results in a book that's as entertaining as it is informative.重生魔妃,夫君要逼婚