取材于日本本土广为流传的民间故事,涉及的内容极其丰富,譬如日本历史上因战败而被灭族的平家怨灵,狐仙、柳树精报恩的故事,幽灵伸冤的秘闻……全篇没有华丽的辞藻,却弥漫着强烈的日本传统文学的独特风味以及浓厚的扶桑国乡土汁味,或诙谐,或警示,或讽喻,丰富多彩,形态多变,呈现出东西方文明交融的美学境界。The Voyeur
Mathias, a timorous, ineffectual traveling salesman, returns to the island of his birth after a long absence. Two days later, a thirteen-year-old girl is found drowned and mutilated. With eerie precision, Robbe-Grillet puts us at the scene of the crime and takes us inside Mathias's mind, artfully enlisting us as detective hot on the trail of a homocidal maniac. A triumphant display of the techniques of the new novel, The Voyeur achieves the impossible feat of keeping us utterly engrossed in the mystery of the child's murder while systematically raising doubts about whether it really occurred.