孤儿院突发灭门惨案,孤胆追凶者,也成为一名真正杀手。王的遗腹子和僵尸王、黑道大佬交锋实录!在异世界追击怪兽,又在现实世界遭遇埋伏。经历背叛、生死、屈辱、复仇和存亡,参悟天书秘密。带你窥探这个时代的黑暗角落,领略触目惊心的潘多拉魔盒世界!主人公有着双重身份,在两个世界里穿梭调查。情节紧凑、紧张度强烈。Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar
Here's a lively, hilarious, not-so-reverent crash course through the great philosophical traditions, schools, concepts, and thinkers. It's Philosophy 101 for everyone who knows not to take all this heavy stuff too seriously. Some of the Big Ideas are Existentialism (what do Hegel and Bette Midler have in common?), Philosophy of Language (how to express what it's like being stranded on a desert island with Halle Berry), Feminist Philosophy (why, in the end, a man is always a man), and much more. Finally—it all makes sense!