皮肤保养的第一课就是认识皮肤的类型,针对不同肤质做好每日的护理工作。一般而言,皮肤可以分为4种类型:中性、干性、油性及混合性。 中性皮肤,也称为普通皮肤或标准皮肤。皮肤红润光滑,组织紧密,纹理细腻,触手稚嫩,富有弹性,厚薄适中。但是,这类皮肤易随季节变化,天冷趋干,天热趋油。Confidential Clerk
The Confidential Clerk was first produced at the Edinburgh Festival in the summer of 1953.'The dialogue of The Confidential Clerk has a precision and a lightly felt rhythm unmatched in the writing of any contemporary dramatist.' Times Literary Supplement'A triumph of dramatic skill: the handling of the two levels of the play is masterly and Eliot's verse registers its greatest achievement on the stage-passages of great lyrical beauty are incorporated into the dialogue.'一品嫡妃:夫君,请赐教