别人穿越是特工牺牲,她穿越是挖坟诈尸。小小嫡女,上朝堂,女子做官她很狂;左手治女人,右手斗男人,为平反父兄冤屈,女儿身男儿志。可她却被一个比杀人狂还变态比后宫女人还缠人的妖孽盯上了!她躲到学堂,一进课室就看到他道貌岸然地立于堂前:“欢迎我的新学生。”她走到府衙,一进停尸间就看到他笑得比杀人狂还变态:“这么巧,我是这个案子的主审官。”她钻进青楼,就不信这个有洁癖的男人还能跟来!事实上,她一进厢房就看到俊美如他斜躺床榻上对她搔首弄姿:“小姐,本公子恭候多时~”一场绑架过后就黏在她身边的这只腹黑狐狸,有钱有权有脸蛋,她不放在眼里!可得知他真实身份和背景后,她只想仰天长啸,“草泥马!!!”A Trace of Murder (A Keri Locke Mystery--Book #2)
"A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go."--Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense.In A TRACE OF MURDER (Book #2 in the Keri Locke mystery series), Keri Locke, Missing Persons Detective in the Homicide division of the LAPD, remains haunted by the abduction of her own daughter. Encouraged by the new lead that has landed, the first in years, she pursues it with all that she has, determined to find her daughter and bring her back alive.Yet Keri, at the same time, receives a phone call from a frantic husband, a famed Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, who reports that his wife has been missing for two days. A wealthy socialite with no enemies and little reason to leave her life, he fears the worst has become of his wife.沙城年少