一朝穿越,两方相对,期年之约,看腹黑女主如何智斗腹黑男主,素手搅得山河动荡,又脱身而去找寻身世……在受到某男的以失忆为由风风火火地展开追妻之途的柔情似水的狂轰乱炸,某女终于爆发了“喂,你怎么总是跟在我后面,不会走别的路吗?”某男熟稔地瘪着薄唇“我就喜欢跟着娘子。娘子不要我了吗?”“……”“~>_<~”n秒后,某女“……好吧”Realm of the Pagans
Martine is happily engaged to Kelvin until he unceremoniously dumps her in Greece. When handsome, arrogant Luke Leoros proposes instead, Martine is happy to accept--only to prove to Kelvin that she's over him.But Luke is also no stranger to heartbreak--and after his own painful breakup, he no longer believes in love. Still, Martine finds herself irresistibly drawn to him--and his caresses set her blood on fire. When Kelvin returns and begs her to take him back, will Martine agree or stay with the man who stirs her passion and her heart?