《王小波全集》共分为十卷本。第一、二卷为杂文把王小波留下的35万字的杂文全部收录,另外还将原来从来没有收入的杂文分别插入两卷中。第三、四、五卷为长篇小说和剧本。第六、七卷为中篇小说。第八卷为短篇小说。第九卷为书信,除收入原《爱你就像爱生命》中的书信外,还收入了新近收集到的王小波部分书信,并将李银河写给王小波的信及他们二人的部分照片也收入其中,这些都是第一次公开出版。第十卷为未竟稿,所收作品除原《黑铁时代》中的三篇小说未竟稿外,其余作品都是李银河根据作者留存下来的电子文件新近整理出来的,也是第一次公开出版。这本书在编辑出版过程中,曾得到了作家夫人李银河和作家生前好友们的热心支持和帮助。Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Night Gardener, Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes is the utterly beguiling tale of a ten-year-old blind orphan who has been schooled in a life of thievery. One fateful afternoon, he steals a box from a mysterious traveling haberdasher—a box that contains three pairs of magical eyes. When he tries the first pair, he is instantly transported to a hidden island where he is presented with a special quest: to travel to the dangerous Vanished Kingdom and rescue a people in need. Along with his loyal sidekick—a knight who has been turned into an unfortunate combination of horse and cat—and the magic eyes, he embarks on an unforgettable, swashbuckling adventure to discover his true destiny. Be sure to read the companion book, Sophie Quire and the Last Storyguard. Praise for Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes "Auxier has a juggler's dexterity with prose that makes this fantastical tale quicken the senses."-Kirkus Reviews豪门绝恋,总裁独宠美艳妻
三年前,她被一个恶魔占为己有,并且总是在事后她一颗避孕药。有一天,他也厌倦了,大发善心将她放走,可是那被折磨的日夜,却牢牢的刻在了她的心上。她牺牲一切,只为只为救自己在这世上唯一的亲人,只是老天是不公平的,最亲的弟弟还是走了。而那一夜,她还失去了自己另外一位至亲……殷虹的血迹,从楚以宣的腿间流下。楚以宣流产了。“宫尚溪,我肚子里的孩子加上我弟弟两条人命,我不欠你什么了!”多年后……“妈妈,这个叔叔长得好好看哦,妈妈,就让他做我的爸爸吧!”楚以宣一直拒绝,而宫尚溪恢复了自己的健康之后,一直在穷追猛打着。而楚晗晗这个小丫头,人小鬼大。不仅将自己的妈妈给卖了,还坑的一手准爸爸!--情节虚构,请勿模仿THE HOUSE OF THE SEVEN GABLES