一个不会讲故事的总经理是做不好营销的!一个优秀的营销家,也一定是个“故事大王”,与其给客户讲一个小时的大道理,倒不如给他讲一分钟的小故事。本书分别从品牌、服务、广告、宣传以及价格等9个方面为总经理精心挑选了209篇经典营销故事。每一个故事无不饱含着营销智慧,通过阅读这些小故事,让您在身临其境的感觉中吸纳营销精华,掌握营销方法,从而游刃有余地驾驶营销的诺亚方舟。The Chronicles of Faerie
Dana Faolan, the spunky half-faerie heroine of The Light-Bearer's Daughter, the third book in The Chronicles, has been using her access to the land of Faerie to escape the troubles of being a teenager in a new town. But a dark, mysterious enemy is determined to sever the two worlds forever, thus dooming both. It will take all of Dana's bravery and resourcefulness, plus the help of friends old and new, to save her two homes, especially when it becomes clear that the answer lies in an act of terrible sacrifice. Just as the previous books explored Ireland's rich folkloric history, The Book of Dreams delves into the magical lore of Canada. Melling delivers another "compelling blend of mythology and geography" (School Library Journal, starred review) that will thrill fans of the series.