如果有一天,这个世界开始变得异样,违反常理的事情一再出现,你会在崩溃中质疑这个世界出了问题,还是心意坚定地习惯所有改变?六个各自独立,却又暗中相连的诡异故事,描绘出了这个世界的另一面。当发现自己的人生只是一场无比漫长真实的梦境……当一场车祸后,幸存的双方却都说对方已经死去……当明白心想事成的代价是如此高昂时……当一份古怪的遗嘱带来令人震惊的真相……或许每个人都曾有过想要“改变命运”的念头。我们难以控制对未知的好奇:世界的另一面,到底是什么样子?每一次重大抉择的交叉路口,没选的那条路到底通向哪里?那些无法舍弃的欲望,难以放下的心结,一旦有机会如愿,与之相等的代价你是否支付得起?Useless Bay
On Whidbey Island, the Gray quintuplets are the stuff of legend. Pixie and her brothers have always been bigger and blonder than their neighbors, as if they were birthed from the island itself. Together, they serve as an unofficial search-and-rescue team for the island, saving tourists and locals alike from the forces of wind and sea. But, when a young boy goes missing, the mysteries start to pile up. While searching for him, they find his mother's dead body instead —and realize that something sinister is in their midst. Edgar-nominated author M. J. Beaufrand has crafted another atmospheric thriller with a touch of magical realism that fans of mystery and true crime will devour.