遭人陷害,她害得父母被赶出家门,和家人决裂,只为了一个她深爱的男人。可是那个男人却在她们的订婚宴当日,宣布成了她堂妹的未婚夫。他和她堂妹一起把她踩入泥里。她愤怒,她反叛,她吸烟喝酒、飙车、堕落……在她身处泥泞的时候,是他把她从泥里拉了回来。他说:“今天起我就是你的监护人,以后你不许吸烟,不许喝酒,不许飙车,不许堕落……你的人生由我接管,你的人也由我接管。”在她被她堂妹的人绑架濒临死亡的时候,是他只身一人过来救她。他说:“我要你,哪怕是死神也无法从我身边将你夺去。”重生归来,她要用更好的自己去遇见最好的你。且看白颜夕如何虐渣,走上人生的巅峰吧!本文1v1。男主腹黑,机智近妖。 给自己新文打个广告,新文,傅少是个女孩子,谢谢支持。Monkey
Probably the most popular book in the history of the Far East, this classic sixteenth century novel is a combination of picaresque novel and folk epic that mixes satire, allegory, and history into a rollicking adventure. It is the story of the roguish Monkey and his encounters with major and minor spirits, gods, demigods, demons, ogres, monsters, and fairies. This translation, by the distinguished scholar Arthur Waley, is the first accurate English version; it makes available to the Western reader a faithful reproduction of the spirit and meaning of the original.“坏”上司是所好学校