Only women and girls are allowed in the Red Abbey, a haven from abuse and oppression. Maresi, a thirteen-year-old novice there, arrived in the hunger winter and now lives a happy life in the Abbey, protected by the Mother and reveling in the vast library in the House of Knowledge, her favorite place. Into this idyllic existence comes Jai, a girl with a dark past. She has escaped her home after witnessing the killing of her beloved sister. Soon the dangers of the outside world follow Jai into the sacred space of the Abbey, and Maresi can no longer hide in books and words but must become one who acts. Bound for international success, Maresi will be published in 15 territories around the world!法医秦明第5季:幸存者
顾珊珊认为这辈子她魂穿在一只小狐狸身上,这一世只一眨眼一闭眼间就过了。可谁知遇上了一个恶魔王爷,成为了他的宠物,她才发现她这悲催的一生根本就看不到尽头。罢、罢、罢,既来之,则安之。当只萌宠又怎么了?吃饱了睡,睡饱了吃,这日子过得倒也逍遥自在。慕容璃一身杀戮一手血腥这辈子他想也许就这么一直孤单的走下去了。可是当他遇上了这世间一双最纯净的紫眸,天性的强烈占有欲,誓把她牢牢掌控在自己的手中。见她可爱模样,他欺负她、威胁她,看着她一天天的成长。骤然惊醒,心却是点点滴滴遗落在了她的身上。只是人兽两隔,看来他得使些手段,让这只懒惰的小东西早些修成人型才成。从此一人一兽,窘事不断。精彩小剧场“王爷,不好了。”侍卫慌张来报。“何事?”慕容璃声音清冷微挑俊眉。“小银狐,把老夫人心爱的鹦鹉给拔了毛。”侍卫惶恐。“那鸟死了吗?”“没死。”“那叫绣枋给它绣件衣裳。”命令一下,侍卫愣了,绣女傻了。不日,府中暴走一只穿着衣裳的秃鸟,后面还紧追着一只银色小白狐。When Love Comes
When beautiful, glamorous fashion buyer Janis Morton goes on a cruise, she's looking forward to sun, fun, and a little harmless flirtation. And when she meets Clive Trent, the gorgeous son of a well-known French fashion designer, she's sure she's found what she's looking for.So is Trent--but he's looking for something entirely different. To escape an arranged marriage, Clive has a plan: marry the first girl he meets on the cruise. Will Janis go along with his wild scheme--without losing her heart in the process?