一群没有绝对是非观念的人,竟然成为那个时代的明星和英雄!《战国策》是一部来历不明的书。书中记录的是发生在战国时期的事,然而此书流传的版本,顶多只能溯至西汉。形式上,《战国策》是战国中纷纭事件的片段记录;内容精神上,《战国策》选择记录的,不见得是对这个国、那个国有重大变化意义的事件,而是纵横策士对各国政治、军事的游说、影响。《战国策》的主角,不是国与国君,不是历史变化发展,而是纵横策士。《战国策》的重点,在于保留当时有名的纵横家的言谈、行为,凸显在那个时代,这些人曾经如此有势力、如此重要。Confidential Clerk
The Confidential Clerk was first produced at the Edinburgh Festival in the summer of 1953.'The dialogue of The Confidential Clerk has a precision and a lightly felt rhythm unmatched in the writing of any contemporary dramatist.' Times Literary Supplement'A triumph of dramatic skill: the handling of the two levels of the play is masterly and Eliot's verse registers its greatest achievement on the stage-passages of great lyrical beauty are incorporated into the dialogue.'