皇孙刘诏选妻,提笔一挥,圈下顾玖的名字,坚定地说道:“我要娶她!”皇上下旨赐婚。众人纷纷上门恭喜顾玖,果然是走了狗屎运,才能嫁给皇孙。面对大家的祝福,顾玖面上笑嘻嘻,心里MMP。顾玖这辈子最幸运的事情,是病逝后居然中大奖,穿越到古代,开启第二次生命。而她这辈子最倒霉的事情,是遇到了皇孙刘诏。传闻皇孙刘诏风度翩翩,温文尔雅,待人谦逊有礼。顾玖:呵呵!世人眼瞎。那个男人明明是个腹黑,狡诈,阴险,狼子野心,头生反骨的大反派。电视剧里一路嚣张狂虐男主女主,到大结局才会被编剧写死,还能引来无数粉丝心疼的那种人。传闻顾家二姑娘顾玖是个温柔贤惠的病娇。刘诏:什么温柔贤惠还病娇,都是假的。那个女人明明是个傲娇,自私,脾气大,爱记仇的小吃货。An Ocean in Iowa
A funny, bittersweet exploration of how a child can change in one short year of love, loss, and growing up…Seven-year-old Scotty Ocean decides that seven is going to be "his year." But soon after his birthday, his artist-turned-alcoholic mother abandons the family—leaving Scotty and his two older sisters alone with their father. As his perfect year is torn apart (falls apart?), Scotty begins to act out during school and takes a series of increasingly wild actions to try to win his mother back—and, when that doesn't work, to replace her.