The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
《心态决定命运的24堂课》一书用生动的语言、有趣的故事、耐人寻味的哲理,从消极心态、积极心态、自卑、自信等不同的心态产生不同命运的话题人手,阐述了人生在世保持一个健康的心态胜过一切的道理。无论你身在何处,只要自己有信心,拥有一个好心态,我们的生活就会快乐充实,事业就会一帆风顺。一本好书就是一坛陈年老酒,越品越香醇。《心态决定命运的24堂课》这本书适合各个文化层次的人品读,只要打开此书,就会走进一个轻松、愉快的意境,迅速营造快乐的心情,积极的心态,从中获得一份理解,一份感悟,一份智慧。More of Me
Teva goes to school, studies for her exams, and spends time with her friends. To the rest of the world, she's a normal teenager. But when she goes home, she's anything but normal. Due to a genetic abnormality, Teva unwillingly clones herself every year. And lately, home has become a battleground. When boys are at stake, friends are lost, and lives are snatched away, Teva has a fight on her hands—a fight with herself. As her birthday rolls around, Teva is all too aware that time is running out. She knows that the next clone will soon seize everything she holds dear. Desperate to hang on to her life, Teva decides to find out more about her past … and uncovers lies that could either destroy her or set her free.