我欲与君长相思,烛残颜零心不改,望断香栏寄梦妆。红褪鬓衰终不悔,细雨合纱泪凝望。大风飞扬黄沙肆,寒知暮雪千山长。回首深处,云烟汘渺,漠失漠忘。漠潇着迷般地凝望着白衣少年,眼神变得不真实。片刻,似是察觉到了她的目光,少年放下手中玉笛,朝漠潇望来。黑曜的眸与清澈不染纤尘的褐瞳相遇,只此一眼,沧海桑田,从此命运似芙连·“后日的登基大典,我会迎娶胡族公主和沛丞相的女儿。”廷越的声音不紧不慢,却似一支利箭将她穿透。“是么,那么芜潇在此恭祝皇上。”“芜潇,你要清楚自己的身份,你的存在就是为了大周继续强盛。”“芜潇,别傻了,我们没有可能。”“我会让你成为我的王后,成为胡族乃至全天下最尊贵的女人。等我。”温热的气息扑在脸上,暖暖的。漠潇凝望着那汪琥珀色的水光,仿佛看见了最坚固的承诺。语毕,拓跋贺谚唇角微弯,朝她轻眨眼睛。风吹过前方的红衣少年,朝漠潇涌去,还带着火红的气息The Runaway's Gold
In 1842, Christopher Robertson's family lives a difficult life as "crofters," farmers and fishermen so in debt to the landowner that they have no hope of ever breaking free. To make matters worse, Christopher also lives under the thumb of his morally questionable father and devious brother. When his brother frames him for the theft of their father's secret bag of coins, Christopher must leave his home and embark on a journey across the island to return the coins and clear his name. It's a journey that takes twists and turns, including stops in prison, on a smuggler's ship, and at the house of a beautiful girl —and it ends with him escaping to a new life in America, which has dangers of its own.邪凤现世之魔帝的逆天妖妃